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I squirm in his arms as I fight to keep myself awake. I feel like I have been drugged. That or that I've been hit by a large bus going 95 miles-per-hour.

There is something over my eyes. It's something black. A blindfold? What kind of dream is this?

Oh my god. I'm not dreaming. This is real life.

He lowers me, laying me on the cold, hard ground. Being able to move around, I can feel the entire bag around my head, tied very right around my neck. I close my eyes and force the tears out on to my cheeks. Why does this have to be happening to me?

"Stay there." He says.

I don't exactly have a choice, do I? I am all bound up tightly at the wrists, I can feel the ties cutting the skin of my hands. There is a black bag over my head blocking my vision. I was definitely knocked out with some kind of drug. There is no way I could run even if I had the chance to.

I squint my eyes shut. The bag begins to close tighter around my face. Swirls of light trick my vision in to seeing things.

'Stop. Stop! Not now Annie. You can't have an attack right now. He will hurt you.' I think to myself. 'No. No.' I feel myself slipping down in to that bad place I can never get myself out of. I have to stop and calm myself down before he gets mad and lashes out.

I curl around myself as he jabs something in to my stomach, I assume it is his foot. "Shut up!" He shouts and pulls the bag off of my head, forcing me to sit up.

I look around at where I am. I do not recognize this place. It must be far alway from my house. How did he get me here on foot? He must have walked for hours with me on his back.

"The place we are going is right there. Right this way." He points in front of him. "I can't carry you anymore."

I look over in the direction he was pointing. I don't see anything but trees.

"Wh-" my voice slurs together in my head. I was drugged.

"Get your ass up and walk!" He kicks his foot in to my back, cracking it all the way up.

I scramble to my feet, not wanting him to hurt me again. I glance over at him, hoping to get a good look at his face before I make a run for it. Now is my chance to escape.

He shoves my head down in to my chest. He knows what I am doing. He knows I am trying to remember his face so I can tell the police.

My chest becomes tighter. 'Calm down Annie.'

I quickly decide to focus on my feet and my plan to run rather than my anxiety. This way, I can stay focused on what needs to be done.

My bare feet hit the pavement, white specks flying up as my I land. When did it start to snow? I shudder from the cold as I walk across the abandoned parking lot.

Wind whistles through the trees that line the lot. Now is my chance. I have to make my move now.

I look to my left and then quickly to my right, where he stands. I lift my head and sprint to the right.

"Hey!" He shouts.

I need to get out of here. It is dark enough out here that I can get lost in the trees for hours. He will not be able to find me in this lighting.

I pull against the ties around my wrist, desperately trying to get them off of me as I run.

He grabs on to the back of my shirt and yanks me to the ground. Crap.

I look up as he hovers above me. "That was very stupid."

He lifts me and holds on to my shoulder, his nails digging in to my skin as we walk back in the direction I came.

"If you ever do that again, I'll kill you slower than I planned." His words send chills down my spine. He is going to kill me. Oh god. He is going to kill me. He's going to kill me. I can't handle this. I wish he never said that. Oh god.

My heart is racing.

He pulls me up a set of stairs and stands me in front of him, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he wrestles with the doorknob.

What is this place? It looks like some sort of abandoned motel to me.

He pushes the door open and shoves me inside, quickly closing the door behind him to make sure I have no opening to escape.

"Casper!" Another voice speaks in the darkness. I turn towards it. How am I supposed to escape now? There are two of them? I can't believe this.

A light flicks on, revealing that we are standing in a hallway that leads to many other rooms.

The two men hug. He turns towards me. "Is this the beautiful piece of meat you were talking about on the phone?" He walks over and touches my cheek. I whimper at his touch. His hands are even colder than the snow outside. "She truly is wonderful to look at."

"We are just here until I can find a new place to hold her. The cops found my shack. I can't go back there." He says, walking past me, grabbing my arm and pulling me along with him.  "They found the other bodies."

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