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My captor un-cuffs my hand from the leg of the table and aggressively pulls me behind him as he walks up an old and dusty flight of stairs. It looks like no one has used these in hundreds of years. He slams his body against a door and opens it. He shoves me inside, pushing me all the way down to the floor and shutting the door behind him.

The room is nearly black. The only light coming in is the dim moonlight shining in through the window on the far side of the room, all the way in the corner.

I push myself up on to my hands and knees, trying to quickly think of a way to get myself out of this situation.

I have to get out of here before he does something terrible.

He grabs the back of my neck, pulling on my hair as he drags me towards a bed located in the center of the room.

I scream as he rips large chunks of my hair out of my head. I can feel the roots being ripped right from my scalp.

He throws the metal chains around the leg of the bed and attaches the other end to my free wrist. Both of my hands are cuffed above my head. I am unable to run away.

He lifts his knee and jabs his foot in to my stomach as hard as he can.

I clench my jaw shut.

'Keep quiet and he will lose his interest in you, Annie.' I tell myself. 'I will lot give in to his power and beg him to stop. I will not. I refuse. No matter how hard it hurts, I have to be stronger than he thinks I am.'

He continues kicking me.

Stomach. Ribs. Face. Stomach. Ribs. Face.

I clench my eyes shut each time, hoping this nightmare will end soon.

He jumps on top of me, straddling me with his legs. He turns me off my side and lays me flat on my back.

"Please." I beg, tears streaming down my bloody face. "Please."

I can't believe I just did that.

"Please what? Keep going?" He laughs and places his hands on my neck, pushing it down in to the floor. I gasp for air, kicking my legs and trying to wiggle my hands out of the handcuffs. "Gladly!"

He releases my neck, leaving me coughing and spitting to breathe again. He grabs at my shirt and tears at it with his fingernails, pulling holes and ripping them until the fabric covering my torso is nothing but shreds.

"This is usually the part where they mention their loved ones." He leans down close to my face, gripping my cheeks in his hand. "But I don't think you can. I think I've clean broken your jaw just now." He smiles and rests his forehead on mine. "You are the most fun I've had in a while, Annie. I'm sure Matt will miss you dearly when you are gone."

I turn my face away from him. How does he know Matt's name? How does he know my name? Why would he say that?

"The next step is to leave you here to suffer for a little while." He smiles, standing off of me. He throws his foot in to my stomach one last time before laughing out loud and turning to walk out of the room.

Why doesn't he just kill me already? I know that is the next step. Why not just do it now? He is a serial killer after all, why not just do it already?

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