the letter//mgc

40 10 23

Ini cuma imagine pendek aja ya. Ceritanya Michael ngirimin elu surat


Dear y/n,

Hi darling, it's me Michael Clifford. I think you may know me from 5 Seconds Of Summer.
I just wanted to write this letter to you because i wanted to talk to you about somethings. Well anyways, i just wanted to say thank you so much for supporting us. Without you buy our marchandise, and going to our concerts, even watching them on YouTube, we wouldn't be here babe.
And i love you so so so much babe. I love you more than you can ever imagine babe.

And there are secret that i need to tell you.

First, i have seen your spam, your tweets, etc. You are a girl that very funny and yeah i always laught when i saw your spam. And i remember when you asked me to take a selfie with you.

Second, i wanted to talk to you about some of things may be sad. Well there will be a time of 5sos will be break up. Oh gosh why am i talking about this right now. Uhm... anyways i just wanted to talk to you about it so we can be prepared:). So hm.. probably a couple of years from now, 5sos might break up. Even 5sos break up, please don't forget about us.

Third, i wanted to tell you about Ashton. Hm... he's very depressed when he knew 5sos will break up. And one day i saw his hands. Gosh! He cutted his hands. Yes! He's very stupid. Of course I tell him that it's wrong. But he ignored me. He always cried in his room. When i went to his room, he screamed and mad at me. His hair is very messy. His eyes always crying. Ashton is very depressed.
Luke? Luke is... i dont know. He changed to be bad boy. He always slept with girls. Everynight. Luke and Arzaylea? They're break up. Arzaylea took luke's money. Luke always drunk and he changed to be temperamental. I can't believe that luke can changed to be like that.
Calum. I can't say anything about him. He always fighting with other. And you know what? He was treated in hospital because of he fight a thug.

Oh shit, i shouldn't tell you about it. Don't cry babe. Everything has changed. But i promise everything will be okay.

Thank you for supporting us. Thank you because you wanted to be our fan. I'm sorry because we're making you to be dissapointed. I'm sorry because we're not the band who boast.

Now, you can stop thinking of us. You can stop fangirling. You can stop read imagine or something like that about us. You can life like a normal people. But one thing that you should remember is
We (5sos) always love you!



Kurang jleb ya?haha:' sza gk jago buat sad imagine.
Sza nulis ini buat iseng2 ajaa. Makanya hasilnya gak bagus2 amet.

Btw maaf grammar abal


Cry and Smile [5sos]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang