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Exercise leads to the release of the hormone adrenaline, which makes your heart beat faster.this increases the blood flow to your brain and makes you alert.

Too much exercise can tire you out and is not good but light exercise will help you.

exercising just before the exam or just before studying will make you alert and you will remember things easily.

Here are some light exercises which you can try before studying or writing an exam.They will not tire you out.
1 spot jogging(5 minutes)
2 cycling(10 minutes)
3 going for a walk(10 min)
4 stretching exercises(15 min)

Yoga also helps.neck exercises, eye exercises, shoulder exercises, arm exercises and other exercises of the upper body will prevent headaches and back pain.

You should maintain good posture while studying.(I know its difficult..even I love studying in bed XD)But you wouldnt want to risk your health just because you are lazy like me...XD

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