Chapter seven

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I get ready thinking about all the things Thorn could have planned for us. Then Willow walks in the door and look horrified when she sees me.
"Why aren't you at school?"
"Why aren't you? I saw.. never mind.. I'm just taking a mental health day."
"Grandma and I just got back that's why.. and you saw who??"
"I said never mind." Thorn honked and she glared at me. "What? I'm just going out. I don't know when I'll be back. I'll text you when I find out." I get in his car and stay silent. I close my eyes and wish everything wasn't real. The accident, the medication, the hallucinations. Everything.
"Are you okay?" Thorn pulled over to talk to me.
"Yeah I'm fine.. you can keep driving. You don't have to stop driving to comfort me." He started the car again and I fell asleep.
We were little, Willow and I. We were at the park with our parents. Then they were gone.. but it felt like it was okay. We kept playing even though It felt like there was something wrong. I wanted to take control over my actions, but I couldn't. I started to panic, I tried as hard as I could to take control. I gave up, just as Willow stopped giggling and looked at me. I looked at her and I didn't know what to do. She had a piece of metal through her throat. Is this what would've happened to her if she had died? Her left fore arm was gone and blood was oozing out of her throat.
The next thing I know I'm awake in a car. I start to cry. I don't remember where I am. I look over to my left and Thorn is there. I calm myself and explain what had happened.
"I had no idea it was that bad." He said this with pity in his voice.
"It wasn't at first. It was just things like memories with my parents, but I think the medication has been making it worse."
"And I'm sorry for ruining whatever you had planned."

*sorry this chapter is short

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