Chapter ten

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POV: Willow
I'm in the facility and every time I try to explain who I am they laugh and occasionally hit me. This is what Whisper was talking about being treated like trash. I can't believe we were going to do this to her. I can't believe someone would let this happen to anyone they loved. Or anyone at all. I was talked to like I had mush for brains, my opinion didn't matter. Nobody cared. Where was Whisper the other day? My 'care giver' was abusive mentally and sexually. I curled up in fear as he opened the door to my room. I knew what he was going to do to me, but this will be the last time. How did people let this happen? Or do they just overlook it? As he left I was able to take his belt, he didn't notice because he was obviously drunk. I hooked it around my neck, as well as the light fixture that came down from the ceiling and didn't fight back. It seemed like forever, but I'm gone now.

POV: Whisper
I'm at school and get called to the office my grandma is there in tears. What happened while I was gone?

"Whisper what happened? They took Willow to the facility instead of you.. it impacted her so much sh..she hung herself." My grandma said this like I did it on purpose.. maybe I did. I don't know anymore. Did I? I don't think I did. I hope not. What if I did? Then I could be to blame for her death.. that would be me in there if I didn't sneak out that night. I would be dead, not Willow, me.

Then next few weeks were hell. Between my grandma nagging me, Thorn babying me, and people at school getting a punch or two in between classes. Word spreads in a small town.. and who wants to be around an insane girl? Right?

When I got home from school I sat on the couch to do homework as my grandma came around Tue corner. I can already tell she's going to make me do something, like a chore.. it's fine but she beats down on me for it. She blames me for Willows death.. so do I. I blame myself. She didn't let me go to her funeral because I shouldn't be around the person I killed.. didn't I cause her enough pain? I get up and sigh. "Fine. Whatever. " I said this under my breath, but she couldn't hear me entirely.
"Excuse me? What was that?"
"I said ok.."
"Good." She went into the laundry room and I went to the kitchen and filled Tue sink with water. I grabbed the first thing I could and started to wash it. As I was washing the dishes I thought, what if I.. No. No I couldn't do that. Could I?
I tool the soapy knife into the laundry room.
"Whisper I thought I told you to do the dishes? "
"I will I just have to do something first." I faced her and gave her a hug. As I did so I plunged the knife into her stomach. I stabbed her a few more times before sinking the knife into her heart, her screams got louder.. then quieter after every time I stabbed her. I looked down and there was blood everywhere. I'm going to turn myself in but first I need to tell Thorn. I walk to his house, getting weird look because of the blood. When I get to his house he opened the door and started freaking out.
"Whisper who's blood is this? Are you hurt?"
"I'm fine it's my grandma's blood. I need you to come with me please."
"Okay.. Is she alright at least?"
"I don't know.. I just need you to follow me. Please."
"Alright.. Should we call an ambulance to check on her?"
"No! She's fine."

POV: Thorn
Sue was covered in blood, frantic, and got angry when I asked if her about her grandma's safety. I followed her to the police station. What are we doing here?

I lead him to the police station. I can tell he's confused. I walk up to the front desk calmly.
"Miss are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine. It's not my blood."
"Who's blood blood is it?" I get closer to the lady and whisper, "It's my grandma's blood. I killed her." I started to giggle uncontrollably. I noticed a gun on the desk. I reach over, grab it, and before I shoot myself I look Thorn in the eyes and say, "I love you."


Whisper looked me in the eyes, told me she loved me, then shot herself.. I'm still not ccompletly sure why she did this or when she thought of it. But it happened. In front of me. My girlfriend admitted to murdering her grandma, then shot herself. What?

*a few days later*

I, of course went to Whisper's funeral. Why wouldn't I? I gave a speech, but knew it was crap. I cried a bit and left. I wasn't too attached to her. It has only been a few days and I feel as if I'm over it. Oh, well I guess I better get on with my life.

*this is the end.. I feel like it's a stupid place to end it.. Idk.. I will write more stories though.

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