Chapter 1

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Louis' POV

There was a loud vibration coming from beside me, I rolled my eyes when I realised it was my phone ringing. I shot up and coughed, clearing my throat before answering.

"Hello, Louis Tomlinson speaking."

"Ah, Mr Tomlinson you're awake." The chirpy voice said, I frowned and ran my fingers through my messy bed head.

"Erm, can I help you?"

"Yes. This is Mr Holland, the headteacher of Winton Hight." I smiled when I heard the name of the old college I used to attend before my acting career took off.

"Oh okay, good morning Mr Holland and how can I help?"

"We've heard you're in the local area and we think it would be a real pleasure if you could drop by the school and stay around for a while. We're putting on a performance of the play Grease which you have starred in many times, we were wondering if whilst on your break from your career if you'd like to help out? We will pay you a profit for your time and help." I listened to the most important bits as I struggled to keep my eyes open.

"Sure Mr Holland, I'd be delighted to." I heard a little shuffle on the other side of the phone,

"Thank you Mr Tomlinson, it will be a pleasure working with you. See you at eight." Before I could respond the line went dead, I looked down at my watch, 6:30am, shit. I had an hour and a half to be ready and at school.

By the time I'd showered and found something decent to wear, which was a white button down shirt, a black denim jacket and some black skinny jeans, I slipped on my converse and hopped into my mini. I found a parking space in the visitors area and grabbed my satchel, swinging it over my shoulder and walking into the school. As soon I stepped foot into the reception I recieved multiple stares and smiles, somtimes I forgot I was famous. I signed in at the office and slid on my visitor's badge,

"Here's your schedule, at dinner you may leave the premises to get food if you wish." I thanked the receptionist who's name I didn't quite catch and began my walk to the drama department. I kept my eyes focused on the schedule and didn't realise the tall figure in front of me. We collided with an almighty thud and were both forced back, my papers went flying and my bag dropped down to my forearm. I secured it back on and lowered to the floor to pick up my papers, I noticed two pretty big hands helping me too. They handed them to me and I stood up, I was surprised when I was stood face to face with a curly haired boy with bright green eyes.

"Watch where you're going." He snarled, shoving papers into my chest.

"Oh pìss off." I snapped, rearranging my papers.

"Excuse me?" He scoffed, I rolled my eyes when I realised I'd just swore at a student.

"Sorry, I'm used to having freedom and all that, you know?" I sighed,

"Whatever, just stay clear of me, yeah?" He smirked before walking away with a blonde haired boy, I had no intentions of going near him again so he had no worries. I passed many girls in the corridors who were swooned by my appearance and odd hair flick, it was nice to know I had local fans. I pushed open the door to the drama department and headed straight for D1, I knocked on and crept in slowly. Stood writing today's lesson on the whiteboard was a young man with brown hair, he was wearing a blue tee covered by a darker blue and white varsity jacket and black jeans on his lower half. I coughed a little, signalling I was here. He span round and smiled widely,

"You're Louis Tomlinson!" He cheered, I nodded and placed my bags down.

"And I'm guessing you're Mr Payne?"

"Liam." He said with a smile,

"Well Liam, I'm here to help you put on Grease." His face lit up,

"That really means so much, watching your performance in Grease gave me chills, it was outstanding."

"Thank you." I said, scanning what was on the board.

"Well the class are just about to come in so if you just want to stand here by the board I'll introduce you then we'll assign the parts." I nodded and stood next to the board so his writing was in full view, the three second long bell rang and the corridors soon filled with students. The drama room door was pushed open multiple times and many students came flooding in, I scanned through them all and my jaw dropped when my eyes landed on the curly haired boy from earlier. He was going to be in drama with me the whole time I'm here.

No Regrets (A Larry Stylinson Student/Teacher Fic)Where stories live. Discover now