Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

I had done what I was told to do yesterday, I had Louis' shirt on. Niall texted me telling me to meet him at his house instead of mine as he was having trouble with what to wear, typical Niall. So I was now on my way to his house. I slowly slid my phone out of my tight jeans and answered it due to it vibrating,

"Hi Haz, it's mum. Just quickly going to say you need to come to Vicky's tonight from school okay? We need to tell you something and sorry I didn't come home last night, I was out late!" 

"Okay and it's fine."

"Right love you." I rolled my eyes before replying a quick 'love you too'. I put my phone back in it's place and knocked my knuckles against Niall's door, he opened it and was stood there in nothing but his boxers. I laughed and walked in placing my bag down, Niall grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs. 

"HELP ME! I don't know what to wear and why the hell have you got Louis' top on?" I smirked and walked over to his wardrobe, slowly looking through it. I yanked out a pair of black jeans,a grey tee and a red cardigan.

"Here, put these on and make sure to roll the sleeves up." He nodded and walked towards the bathroom, stopping at the door.

"I'm glad I've got a gay best friend, you've always got the answers." I giggled as he walked away, a couple of minutes later he walked out looking very hot, if I do say so myself. He shoved on some brown Vans and stood up grabbing his bag off his bed and we walked down the stairs. I grabbed my bag and we set off for school.

"You still didn't tell me why you're wearing Louis' top." He mumbled slapping my back before laughing,

"Because, you know..."

"I thought he came round to get it?"

"Yeah he did."

"Then why do you still have it and secondly where have your bracelets gone?" I shook my head and entered the school building with Niall frowning behind me. We went straight into the drama room to find Louis and Liam talking away about Grease and how everything's going to be set out, Louis turned and caught my eye causing us to smile at each other.

"Alright Haz?" He questioned, looking over at Niall.

"Yeah Lou, you?" I replied, taking my seat. He nodded and walked over, handing me a script with the hand the bracelets were on. I watched as Niall's eyes widened and a grin appeared on his face, I thanked him before turning around to fully face Niall.

"Right, so that's where your bracelets got to!"

The end of the day came pretty fast and I couldn't have been more happy, it was finally the weekend. I'd had enough of school and it's drama this week, the only good thing is that I've avoided Zayn's daily beatings. He'd been too caught up in his girlfriend and his acting, which was surprising. I walked out of the doors with Niall and frowned when I saw Louis leaning against the gates waiting. Niall turned to me and grinned,

"Your lover boy's waiting for you." I rolled my eyes and lightly shoved him,

"Shut up, no he's not." He giggled and we continued to walk out of the school, however I was stopped at the gates by Louis shouting me. He jogged over to me and smiled,

"Yeah?" I asked, confused.

"I need to talk to you." I heard Niall mumbling things behind me and then laughter,

"Niall, Greg's here. Go home." I laughed, he said his goodbyes and ran off to his brother's car.

"Wanna walk and talk?" I nodded,

"But we're going to have to walk a different way, my mum's at a friends." He nodded and we set off walking.

[written by 5secsoflouis and BoomNouisFeels]

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