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This was the year everything would change. I felt it.

No longer would everyone see me as the the quiet girl in the class.

Maybe that's why I joined them this summer, because I was done with everyone's shit at my stuck up school.

These kids were the ones that stood out and didn't care what anyone thought.

Their group- our group reminded me of Grease. There's four boys and four girls. And once you joined, it was somewhat a requirement to date within the group.

Zoey was with Kameron. Which made sense because they both were the class clowns. No matter how scared everyone was of us, they always laughed at Zoey's sarcastic remarks and Kam's crude humor.

Adrianna and Roman were still a thing surprisingly. Their on again off again relationship was quite amusing and always left you guessing. As much as they screamed 'I hate you. I'm done', everyone could tell it really meant 'I love you and I'll never be done'.

And there was Mariah and Zak. She only joined and dated Zak to piss off her snobby parents. Zak broke it off once he found out but I could tell he regretted it. Mariah always says she's better off single but I can't help but know they both are still in love.

Then there was Zayn. He never dated anyone in the group but I was told he had a couple flings with girls in other cities. I guess he got away with it because he was the leader.

When I joined, the girls didn't really have a leader of their own so I couldn't oblige when as soon as I joined they asked me to be.

It came naturally to me and it wasn't like I was cocky with it. I cared about them.

What didn't come naturally was mine and Zayn's relationship that everyone tried to force on us.

Zayn was charming from years of practice and when we hung out we had fun and hell, it felt good being a power couple but something wasn't there.

Maybe it was the fact we never talked about anything real like our childhood or our dreams or that Zayn was just emotionally closed off. But whatever the reason was, I ended it before we really began. Said we should be just friends til I figure myself out. It was a lame excuse but I needed time to think about what I wanted. I was only in the group for a couple months and with school two days away, I needed to figure out if I wanted everyone to know about me and Zayn.

They already knew I was with them but they probably thought it was a rumour.

Awkward and quiet Isabella would never to do something so reckless.

I shook my anxious thoughts as I grabbed my iPod and headed to my backyard to relax. I didn't have to keep up with my new appearance at home so I was perfectly fine in coming out in my old yellow sundress and a poetry book.

I knew Zayn would gag at the thought of poetry and Kam would make fun of my dress.

I laid down in the grass as I looked to my left. A moving truck was parked in front of the empty house next to ours.

I felt myself sigh at the thought of new neighbors. I knew there's going come a time this year where the boys would all come on their street bikes with the girls to my house and if our new neighbor is anything like Mariah's, then the cops will be called.

Just as I felt myself getting lost in E.E Cummings, I heard a faint crash over the music in my headphones.

I took them out and walked to the source which lead me next door.

I looked around and saw the back of a boy trying to pick up a book shelf.

"Do you need help?" I felt the words leave my lips before I had the chance to stop them. New Isabella wouldn't care.

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