Chapter 11.

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10 whole hours had passed since Liam's lips were on my mine. That was 10 hours too long. I could act like I hadn't spent all morning waiting for Liam's car to return. And act like I hadn't been dodging Zayn's 34 calls. But nothing touched what I was feeling inside. No matter how much I tried to act like I didn't care, I couldn't deny how I felt. How could a boy I barely knew anything about have my heart feeling this way?

I didn't even want to think about the consequences this would cause. I was terrified of Zayn's wrath, and what he would do about the whole situation. He didn't hurt Liam last night after the dance and that left me more scared because if he hasn't done it yet, he's waiting for a time that will be better for him. And better for him meant that he could do something without witnesses around.

My phone rung, alerting me that Zayn was calling again. I looked away, knowing if I ignored it, he'd be furious. I couldn't sit here because after a couple more calls, he'd decide to make a stop by and I don't want to be here when that happens. I waited for his name to disappear before I courageously dialed a familiar number.

"Wassup?" Zak sounded from the other line.

"Are you with anyone?" I whispered.

"No, it's just me. What's wrong?" Zak half laughed.

"Nothing. Can we hang out today?" I said, my voice returning to normal.

"Are you sure you called the right person? I'm not usually someone's first choice for company." Zak's voice was unsure.

"Yeah I'm positive. You're the only person in the group I can actually tolerate."

"That's touching." Zak said, sarcasm clear in his voice.

"Meet me at Dairy Queen in an hour?"

"I can come pick you up."

I looked out my window and bit my lip contemplating it. I didn't want to come back on Zak's bike and chance Liam seeing us.

"No it's okay. I'll drive there."

"I forgot how independent you are."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. See ya."


I waited patiently in the booth eyeing the plastic ice cream cone hanging on a string above my head. The bells on the door jingled, alerting my attention to Zak walking over to me with his famous side smile. He slid in across from me, running his hands through his spiked hair before laying

his black hood over it.

"You could have ordered without me." Zak said as he looked down at the empty table.

"I already ordered for the both of us." I said nervously, hoping I got his order right.

Before he could ask, a lady in a DQ uniform laid our trays before us. Mine had fries and a cookie Blizzard, Zak's had two chilly cheese dogs and a banana split. He looked up to me, displaying a smile as beautiful as Mariah's. To me, Zak was one of the most good looking guys in the whole school. His skin may be scattered in random tattoos and his gauges may be repulsing to most but his body and face was carved to perfection; the jawline sharp with hairs always outlining it and his body displaying endless muscles.

"Are you going eat or are you just going sit there and fucking stare at me like a creep?" Zak asked, his tone joking.

I laughed and picked up a single fry. The bells rung and I looked up to see a throng of football players coming through. They got in line and looked back and forth between each other and me and Zak, whispering and smirking. Zak turned around and swallowed hard, his jaw clenching.

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