Chapter 9.

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{Risky Business - The Cab 🎶 }

I woke up to a note from Maggie saying she went to school, in other words: she's not a delinquent like me. I would have went if we wouldn't have stayed up so late. I could never run on just 3 hours of sleep.

I pulled out my phone and texted Zayn. I couldn't text my mom to pick me up, I would never hear the end of it if she knew I ditched school.

-Hey, come pick me up?-

He replied within seconds.

-Sure. Where are you?-

-At my cousins house. She lives at 2343 Oak Dr.-

I cringed at my text. I was already lying about our friendship.

-Be there in 5-

I picked up the blankets off the floor and folded them. True to his word, I heard Zayn's motor outside. When I got downstairs I was grateful to see that Maggie's mom had already left for work.

"I didn't know you had a cousin that lived here." Zayn looked at me as I walked to his black bike.

"Because that's not something you need to know." I scoffed.

"Hey, I just drove all the way here to get you. I'm ditching school for you. The least you could do is not have that stank ass attitude with me."

"Like you don't ditch school any other time?" I rose an eyebrow at him.

"Don't be a bitch when I'm trying to be nice." He said, his voice low.

I backed away from his bike. "You know what? I shouldn't have texted you. You can leave, I'll just ask Zak to come get me."

He turned his face into disgust, eyes angry. "What are you and Zak fucking around or something now?"

"No! Of course not. He's just not an ignorant dick like you."

He jumped off his bike and walked to me. He stopped a couple inches away and leaned down so his face was in front of mine. I flinched at how fast his movements were and took a step back.

He got an evil smirk on his face. "Are you scared of me, Izzy?" He asked it as if this was amusing to him. Like he didn't know the fear he instilled in people.

"No." I lied as I took another step back.

"I can see right through you. You know that, right?" He stepped closer, making the hairs rise on my arm. All I could see when I looked at Zayn was Liam's words etched into my brain with permanent marker.

"I'm really trying to be the good guy here. Dropping everything to pick you up.. asking questions about your family. I'm trying to communicate like you told me to and now you're acting like this isn't what you want." His tone was condescending, making me small.

"Really, Zayn? Since when do you give two shits about what *I* want?"

"Since now. You know I'm trying." I've been trying so hard to believe him and give us another shot. Last night made me look at every aspect of Zayn different. Maybe I shouldn't just hand him the trust that he wants.

He brings his hand to my face, his eyes softening as they look into mine. I should run away, not let his charm have its effect on me. But there was something about his touch, the way it was unsure but gentle. And the way his dark hair was a mess, from being whipped by the rush to get to me. And the way his white T-shirt fit tight, showing not only his arm tattoos but the ones usually hidden from the public, on his chest and stomach. But it was mostly his eyes that did it for me. The way they were usually distant or angry looking, but as he looked at me; they were soft, reassuring and the most beautiful gold as the sun shined into them.

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