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Sean was already heading out the door and going down to Malcom. He had a semi automatic gun tucked in his backpack, and innocently walked down the street alone. He looked around the neighborhood and dug in his pocket for a blunt. He popped it in his mouth and lit up. As soon as he took a breath in and released the smoke out, he immediately felt relaxed.

When he arrived at Trevys house he saw his gang sitting on the couch. Trevy and Cory was there and so was some his other friends, Chaunce, Adam and Carmelio.

"Man, I found out this bitch that tried to kill Cheyenne!" Chaunce said. Trevy and Corys heart rate rose. The more closer they got to witness the more anxious they got.

"Where?" Sean asked.

"Strip of Malcom, 4438, Soll Residence." Chaunce responded. Sean smirks and loads his gun with bullets. He grabs another gun and puts bullets in it too.

"Is ya'll ready?" The group nods and heads to the car. It was 9:45 at night. This time, people are usually asleep. They drive fast and carefully to the strip. Trevy and Cory decided to stay back, to come up with a plan so Sean won't find out.

"Man, I scared and shit." Cory said, nervously.

"Nigga chill for a damn second!" Trevy said calmly, trying to keep his chill. "Man, it's ain't too late. All we got to do is make Sean forget about everything, and if that man don't tell, and Sean just shoot, that mean he ain't got no info." Cory and Trevy exchanged smirks and looked over at the fridge.

While Trevy and Cory was coming up with there so called clever plan. Sean had pulled up in front of the house and saw all the lights on. Loud music was exploding through the house and in the backyard, there was nothing but a bar.

Sean went through the door and walked inside as if nothing was going on, as if he was supposed to be in the party. He looks around and notices this was a costume party, so when Sean, Chaunce, Adam and Carmelio came in with there mask on, no one suspected a thing. Sean evilly grins and walked over to the stereo, turning it off. Everyone turned there eyes to him with a irritated look.

"Nigga, turn that damn music back on." Sean chuckles and noticed that people looked at him as if he lost his mind. Sean calmly walks towards the guy. He pulls out his gun slowly and clicks it towards the guys temple.

"Call me nigga again. I dare you." The guy shrieked and BOOM!- The guy laid dead on the floor. Just as everyone was starting to panic, Sean shoots the ceiling and gets everyone's attention. "Get ya'll asses on the floor!" Sean yells. Everyone does as told, thinking they were clear if they were clear if they obeyed everything they said. "Do ya'll know where Deytron is?" Sean said, with a vile look. No one answered, so he shot the woman in her face. "Answer dammit!" They yelled. Some one nervously raised their hand and stood up.

"Up-upstairs!" The guy said, stuttering. Sean smiles and walks over to Chaunce.

"Watch them and make sure they don't get no where. Got me?" Sean whispered. Chaunce nods and clutched his gun.

Sean jumped up the stairs and checked all the rooms. The first one was the bathroom, no one, second door was the guest room, no one, and the third room was where Deytron was.

Sean burst through the door and held up his gun. He was immediately disgusted. When he seen what he saw, he smiled just a bit.

"Get yo clothes on, befo I shoot yo ass." Sean said, pointing his gun at the girl. The girl sprinted from the bed with only her bra and panties and quickly slipped back on her costume. Just as she was leaving Sean pointed behind him and shot her right in her chest, causing her to fall of the railing and lay face flat in the floor.

"Look man, I ain't done nothin!" Deytron said, slightly scared.

"Did you kill Cheyenne?" Deytron raised an eyebrow, confused. "Just a few damn weeks ago, did you shoot a girl in her bathroom?" Sean asked, agitatedly. Deytron laughs his head off.

"That was a long time ago, you late as fuck." Deytron said with a smirk. Sean clicks his gun and points it at Deytrons chest.

"Son of bitch!" Sean said.

"But I ain't even see that damn girl till some damn boys told me to kill her ass." Deytron said happily. "Look, there ain't no reason to kill, cause she dead nah!" Sean smirks.

"She alive and on her damn feet wit no shit, so you better be scared." Sean said. Deytron still didn't care. "Tell me who these niggas look like?" Deytron rubbed his chin.

"I can't remember shit! I only saw dem asses once. But this one nigga he had some knotty nigga hair." Sean chuckles.

"Bitch." Sean shot multiple bullets in Deytrons chest. He doubled checked and tried to hear some breathing. None. "Don't mess wit me." Sean said as he walked down the stairs.

The people were still on the ground. Sean stood where he stood before and held all his gun up. Chaunce, Adam, and Carmelio raised there guns and shot people obnoxiously. All killing them dead to the core. Once they were finished they ran to their car and sped out the parking lot.

Sean felt proud, he felt complete now, when he really wasn't.

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