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I run around the pool, away from Lachlan who wants to throw me in.
Eventually, I look over my shoulder and stop when I don't see him, then feel two arms grab me and someone throws themselves into the pool, dragging me in with them.
I quickly resurface and shake my head, little beads of water flying off of my hair. (Yes it's grown back to pixie short)
"Lachlan you suck!" I shout and swim backwards away from him.
He laughs and starts treading water, staying in place.
"I know I do," he laughs and I roll my eyes as I heave myself out of the water and just lay in the warm sun.
But of course, hanging out with a bunch of YouTubers- and pranksters at that, a water balloon drops on my stomach.
"Wh- Mitch! No!" I scream and run, hiding under the cover to the porch.
I pout playfully and stare straight up.
Although these guys can be complete assholes, they're really fun to hang out with.


I sit in the apartment, tears flooding out of my eyes.
Her laugh echoes in my head almost every day.
I miss hearing her voice say my name.
I miss feeling her lips on mine.
I miss her in general.
Hopefully I can see her at PAX here in a week.
All I can do is hope. Right?


I sit beside Lachlan on the couch, watching frozen.
I stare at the screen intently until I feel my phone vibrate.
I look down at it and pick it up.
I look at the text.
Max: Hey, I know you have no clue who I am but I was wondering if you're going to PAX south?
I type a quick reply.
Yeah. I'm actually going with a few friends. Are you going?

Max: Yeah

Kk. See you there in a week?

Max: yeah! See you there.

I shut off my phone afterwards and turn my attention to the screen. But of course, right after I put my phone down, I get a text.
"Oh- uh, Lachlan. I gotta go home, see you tomorrow," I say, smiling a bit.
"Oh- Kay, see you." He says, smiling as he opens his arms to hug me.
I scoot towards him and hug him for a few seconds before letting go, getting up and leaving.
Why did that feel so wrong? I never felt wrong hugging him before texting that guy named.. Max. Who is he? Well, I'll find out in a week.


I walk through the airport with Jerome, Mitch and Lachlan.
We're on our way to PAX east, where we'll then meet a bunch of fans.
The guys have introduced me to their channels and let me be in a few, so basically.. People think me and one of the other guys are dating.
At the Q&A, we all know people are gonna ask if me and Mitch are dating- which she has Jess, so no.
And Jerome, who has Louise, so another no.
And Lachlan is single. But no.
I pass through the security stuff, which is boring so you don't need to hear about it.
And about a half an hour later, the plane is flying us to Boston.


I walk away from the cars with Adam, Ross, Tim, Barney, Red, Okward- who showed up at the offices only a couple of days ago, and.. Basically the whole office is here with us.
People waiting outside in line look over and start shouting our names.
Most of them seem to be 13 and 14, but I can spot a few who are 16 and 17, possibly older.
I smile a bit and wave as we all walk into the VIP section.
My heart is pounding at this point.
Today is the day I finally get to see Cass again.
Unless she's coming tomorrow- then that'll change things up a bit.
I hear a familiar giggle and my head snaps to the left.
A girl with short brown hair, grey beanie, a tan light sweater, dark grey shorts and white converse.
One name is repeated over and over in my mind, before I finally utter the word.
"Cass-" I almost whisper but she looks over her shoulder and furrows her eyebrows slightly.
"Do I know you?" She asks softly.
I bite my tongue and sigh then slowly nod.
"Yes. You do." I whisper.


I'm so sorry ;-; another chapter that took WAYYY too long.
Hopefully next chapter won't be as long of a wait.
But until next time.. BYEEE

Remember our loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt