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Don't play the song until I say to play it please XD

Cass' POV

I wake up, the hospital blankets pulled up over my shoulders, an irritating beeping noise going off.
I groan and turn away from it but end up laying on.. Nothing. Literally nothing in the space where my other arm should be.
I furrow my eyebrows and pull the blankets off slightly and gasp, realizing none of that was a dream, I only have one arm, and up to my shoulder, I don't have a left arm.
I stare at the bandaging for a few seconds and run my hand over the stub that we call a shoulder, but in my case.. Hardly anything.
I run a hand through my hair and look over at whoever the hell is sleeping beside me.
I try to sit up but wince.
"Ow.." I mutter and look down then realize I'm wearing bandaging around the area between my shoulder and neck- er.. Collarbone, is a more logical term.
I look at the ginger, who's sleeping on a chair beside my bed, his eyebrows slightly pinched together and his arms are folded over his chest.
I smile a bit and go to stretch my arms but remember I only have one arm.
That's going to take some getting used to.
Wait.. If I have just a shoulder on one side- then.. How are they going to get my prosthetic on? Wouldn't it be harder to get a complete arm on instead of- know what, I'm stressing too much over it.
I'm sure it'll be fine. It's just an arm.
I look at my husband again, who'd just shifted in his sleep and grunted a little.
Only slightly.
But he's fine.
I'm fine.
We're fine and.. I'm alive.
Wait- they got the correct blood in?
I was told that there was only a two percent chance that they'd get the right blood and- someone out there made that two percent chance become real.
Whoever that person was.. Or is.. I really want to meet them.
Because that person saved my life. That person made the almost impossible, possible.
And I don't want to thank them by letter, over the phone, over email, no.
I want to see them. Meet them in person. Find out who they are.
I continue to stare at my husband. The man who would have given anything for me to live and now here I am.
Awake. Alive. Breathing. With a heartbeat. Thoughts racing through my mind.
I see Max shift slightly and unfold his arms, bringing them out into a stretch before he slowly opens his eyes.
I smile a bit and wave slowly. "Morning sleepyhead," I whisper.
He stares at me for a few seconds before coming to realization that I'm awake now.
"Cass-" he gets up and walks over to the side of the bed and pulls me into a tight hug.
I smile and pull my arm around his shoulders.
"You couldn't have woken up earlier?" He nearly whispers.
"Huh- how long was I out?" I ask, leaning backwards slightly to look into his eyes, only now realizing how sleep deprived he looks.
"Two and a half days." He says and gently runs a hand through my hair.
I sigh and rest my forehead on his chest. "I'm so sorry.." I whisper.
"Whoah, wait.. What are you being sorry for?" He asks, gently placing a hand on the back of my head.
"For this. For being asleep for so long when I should have woken up probably a couple hours after the amputation. For arguing with you. For-"
"Cass." He whispers. "You don't have to be sorry." He says, running his hand through my hair multiple times. "I'm always going to love you. Through good times and bad, remember?" He whispers, quoting one of the lines from when we got married.
I close my eyes and smile a bit. "I remember.." I whisper and look up at him.
Of course I remember.


After literally three hours of testing, then shaving part of my hair so they could put in the little chip that would sync my robot arm to my brain waves, doing a bunch of tests to see if it actually works, being prescribed multiple drugs etc. I'm finally dismissed from the hospital.
Literally everyone who works at the office was in the waiting room, waiting patiently, waiting eagerly, even the people who don't work at the office anymore and a few who I've only met once or twice who do not work at the office were here.
The people I've only met once or twice? That's Gizzy, who's visiting again, Jason, who's also visiting again, Ty, who came just to wait and see what would happen because he's a great person and he knows it, even the Bacca and his Benja came all the way from Florida. From freaking Florida just to know that I would make it.
I walk into a Starbucks with Max, immediately getting strange looks because of my arm.
"Just ignore them," Max whispers.
I nod slowly but notice a kid, probably about six or seven years old come running over.
"Hi, um.. Miss? What happened to your arm?"
I look down at the child before looking at Max, then back down at the kid.
"I got shot. With a gun, right here," I say, pointing to the spot where I got shot. "And my arm became paralyzed. If I didn't get it removed, then in about a week or two, the paralyzation would stop my heart."
"What's a paralyze?" The kid asks.
I mentally slap myself.
Duh, Cass. She's only a kid.
"It means I couldn't feel my arm from just below the shoulder down."
"Oh. Can I touch it?" She asks.
I smile a bit. "Of course," I say and crouch a bit so she can put her little hand on the metal that I now call my new arm.
"It feels weird. Thank you!" She giggles and turns then runs back to her mom and dad.
I smile, watching her run off as I stand up straight.
"She was adorable." I almost whisper.
"Yes she was," Max laughs softly and leads me over to the counter, where we then order our coffees and then leave when we get them.
"Max, can we go to the hill?" I ask softly.
"Of course," he says, smiling. "We have another week alone together until the kids come back."
The smile on my face quickly disappears.
Not because I don't miss or love the kids, that's not it at all. It's just..
"Sorry I won't be able to help you with them as much as I used to," I say softly.
"You're going to say sorry for that?" Max asks, slightly shocked. "Cass, sweetie, don't be sorry for that. You're a great mother, and I know you're going to do the best you can. Don't put yourself down for the fact that you won't be able to help me with as much as you would like. It won't make me love you any less." Max says softly while taking my hand in his.
My human hand. Not my robot hand.
I nod slowly. "I love you," I say softly.
Max smiles and looks over at me for a second before looking back at the road in front of the car. "I love you more. Don't ever forget it." He says softly.
I laugh softly and squeeze his hand gently. "I won't. Ever. I promise."
He smiles and glances at me again. "Good."
The rest of the ride is silent. When we get to our spot on the hill, I jog out to the center of it and lay down on my back, looking up at the stars.
"Cass, I want to show you something." Max says as he walks over, a blanket, pillows and his phone in his hand.
"What are we gonna camp under the stars?" I giggle.
"Why not?" He laughs before dropping the pillows and laying the blanket out.
I wait for him to lay down before I scoot over beside him and lay my head on his chest, watching as he plays a video on his phone. How he got all of these videos, from when we were both high school students, I don't know. Nor do I care. Because I'm so in love with this ginger, I couldn't care less.

(Play the song now)

I watch the tiny phone screen as videos flash by, starting off with Max pushing me on the swing, my mouth open in a fit of laughter, my brown hair whipping in my face.
It then goes to when Max and I are walking to school together, me trying to hide my face from the camera but Max makes me keep my face uncovered.
It then fast forwards to the night my parents were fighting, and Max was comforting me, the audio completely cut in all the videos so just the music, Bright, by Echosmith is playing.
One of Max' arms are around me, and my face is hidden in his shoulder, but tears are evident on his blue shirt, his hair dishelved, possibly from the running he did to get to my house as quickly as he could.
It then skips to the night before he left, and I had no idea. He had a sad look on his face, because he knew what I didn't. He was wearing just a white tee, because he had given me his sweater. He had an arm around me, and he leaned over and gently, careful not to wake me up, kissed the top of my head before untangling our bodies and stopping the video. Then it skips. To when Max was driving to iHop. The day we found each other again. Trees and buildings were seen, coming in and out of view from his car window. He's smiling, and saying stuff to the camera, which is just barely audible.
"It's funny- when I finally got my license, Cass would make me drive her to iHop every day on a Saturday morning. Of course I never said no, because she always gave me that lost puppy look, and.. I was, and I think I still am in love with her. But I haven't seen her in a couple of years, so, I don't know where she could be now."
The video skips again, and this time, it's of Max and I laying in the grass, at the park, talking, pointing up at something, laughing, before I mess with him, scruff up his hair then get up and sprint off, Max soon after getting up, stopping the video and I'm pretty sure that's when he got up and ran after me, eventually catching me and throwing me over his shoulder.
It skips again, this time to when I was visiting Seattle, when I tapped on Max' shoulder, he turned around thinking I would be one of the guys who work with him, then he sees me, lifts me into a hug and spins me around.
It keeps skipping, multiple times, showing multiple events, even events that I haven't even etched permanently into my memory.
When we went to Disney, sitting on the ferris wheel, staring at the sky, Max holding up the camera, me clinging to his arm. He turned my attention from the sky, to him, before pressing his lips against mine.
I stare at the screen until it ends at a video of Max and I, sleeping.
Oh. My god. I remember this.
Whoever was behind the camera was snickering while he came up and pranked us- no, me.
Fun fact, Max, Ross and Tim had one of those creepy styrofoam white mannequin heads, which I have no idea what the hell happened to it, but I honestly do not care one little bit.
Whoever is behind the camera places the mannequin head in front of my face before carefully working to wake me up, and when I do, I nearly roll out of the bed.
I remember staying silent, and stunned for like ten seconds before I start laughing and flip off the camera, before the persons identity is revealed, and the person who pranked me leaned down and kissed me.
But that was while Max lived with Ross and Tim, and I was staying the night.
Pictures flash by, of our wedding day, when I was holding Skylar for the first time, when I was holding the twins for the first time, random pictures of me and Max either kissing or hugging, snowball fighting, swimming, flipping each other off.
This is the type of relationship I had always hoped for. A relationship where we can just goof around with each other, always forgive each other, flip each other off and never actually mean it, fight, argue, and know. In the end, we'll always love each other. Because we're married, and we've been best friends since high school.

My name is Cassandra Lapras, and this is my Mithzan love story.


Well everyone, I'm sorry to say.. This three book series is over.
After one year, possibly more, I lost count- I've finally finished the series.
BUT. Don't worry. I'm going to write a prequel, and since it won't be too long, should I write a story based off of Skylar' POV? Just a thought. I want to try to keep this series going for as long as possible because I love it so much, and I love YOU guys so much. You all mean so much to me, and I want to thank everyone for ALL the support you've been showing me.
I shall now go edit all three books, fix the errors and then start the prologue.. So until next time..
BYE GUYS! Ily all SO much you have no idea <3

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