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I hug Max tightly, resting my head against his chest and smiling.
He has a hand gently resting on my belly.
I sigh softly. "Just thinking about pregnancy is terrifying but once you are pregnant.. Almost all of the fear goes away."
"Almost?" Max asks softly.
I nod. "The fear of having a miscarriage is always gonna be there.. The baby might not make it, it might be stillborn, then.." I close my eyes and take a shaky breath. "There's the fear of needing to go into an emergency C section.." I whisper.
"Cass," Max lifts my chin a bit. "Don't worry about that. Just think about the good side of it. You're pregnant. We're gonna have a kid." He says, stroking my cheek with his thumb gently.
I smile a bit and nod. "I'll try." I whisper.
"When do you want to tell everyone?" Max asks softly.
"Tomorrow? At the offices- if that's alright," I say softly.
"Of course." He says softly and kisses the top of my head gently.


I walk into the office with Max, staring down at my belly, at the little pre pregnancy bump on my belly.
I gently place a hand over the undeveloped baby and look up at Max.
"Guys- can you come out here for a sec?" Max calls and soon after, a bunch of the guys come out.
Except for Jake. Jake is doing his wizard stuff.
"Yeah, what do you need?" Red asks as he sits on the couch.
Max looks down at me then smiles a bit and takes my hand gently.
"We're having a baby," Max says, smiling.
"What- really?!" Adam practically shouts.
I giggle a bit and nod then look down at my belly.
"Yeah.." I say softly.
"Have yous guys thought of any names?" Barney asks.
"Uh.. Yeah. I have a couple in mind." I say softly. "If it's a girl.. Skylar and if it's a boy I'm thinking of naming him Kyle." I say softly.
"Well," Ross smiles. "Good luck with the baby. Or babies."
"What- Ross!"I shout and glare at him.
I swear if they're twins it's going to hurt a lot more than just one.


I sit on the couch, watching TV with Max.
I have my head gently resting on his shoulder when I cover my mouth and get up then sprint to the bathroom.
I puke into the toilet, again. "Fuck this morning  sickness.." I mutter as I sit back on my heels, running a hand through my hair.
"You alright?" Max asks as he shows up in the doorway.
I sigh and nod a bit. "I'm fine just.. Morning sickness," I whisper and close the toilet lid then press the little lever down.
"Max?" I ask softly.
He raises his eyebrows and directs his attention to me.
"Do we uh.." I glance around awkwardly. "Do we have pickles?" I whisper.
His eyebrows furrow. "What- uh.. Don't you hate those?" He asks.
I nod a bit. "I do but.." My face goes blank. "Oh.. I'm already getting the cravings.." I laugh a bit.
He laughs a bit as well. "Yeah, we do. Come on," Max says and leads me to the kitchen.


I'm now 15 weeks pregnant. I'm sitting on the couch in the office, in front of the camera with Max.
He grips one of my hands gently. "You ready for this?" He whispers, looking at me.
I take a deep breath then look at him and smile then give him a gentle kiss. "If I'm ready it's gonna be now." I whisper.
He smiles a bit and nods to Corey, telling him to start the recording.
"Hey guys, it's Max,"
"And Cass," I say, smiling and waving with my free hand.
"So, as most of you guys know, Cass and I are married. About.. Fifteen weeks ago we got married."
"We did, and now we have something to tell you." I say softly and look at Max again.
"I'm pregnant." I say as I look back at the camera. "I'm fifteen weeks pregnant. I will be posting a picture on Instagram here in a bit, because I am actually getting a bit of a bump and.."
Max gently places a hand on my belly and smiles a bit, and only a few seconds later, the baby moves.
The first movement I have felt.
Max smiles a bit and looks up at me. "Was that the first time it-"
I nod a bit and smile. "For those who are wondering," I look at the camera. "I just felt the baby move. The first movement I've felt in my fifteen weeks of pregnancy." I say and gently take Max' hand in mine.
We end the video and I look down at my baby bump then slowly rest my hands on it and begin thinking. "Max?"
"Can we go get an ultrasound today?" I ask, almost whispering.
"Yeah- you wanna go now?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.
"Uh.. You have the time?" I ask softly.
"Yeah, of course." Max says, smiling.
I smile a bit and nod. "Let's go then." I say softly and get up a few seconds after Max does then follow him out the door.


I lay in the little bed, and stare down at my necklace as Max and I wait for the lady to come in for the ultrasound.
I look over as the door gets pushed open. "Are you erm.. Cassandra Lapras?"
I stare at the lady for a couple of seconds. "Yes." I say softly.
"Nice to meet you, my name is Dr. Nancy and I'll be doing your ultrasound," she says and hooks the little x Ray thing to the monitor and turns it a bit, then turns a few knobs until it clicks on.
Max' hand is in mine as she pulls my shirt up gently then puts the clear gel onto my belly.
I look at Max. He's smiling.
It may be too early to tell the gender, but hey. At least we'll get to see our baby.
I look at the monitor as she gently presses the little x Ray on my belly and slowly moves it around, working just above and around my belly button.
The quick heartbeat sounds over the monitor. "So that's the babies heartbeat.. It's head is.. Right here," she says and points out the facial features. "These are the lips, nose, eyes,"
I smile as I start to see the features of the child.
"The arms are here," she guides the scanner over a bit and points out the arms. "And the little fingers," she points out the fingers.
"Torso, legs," she points the two out as she says them.
I smile at the curled up form of the baby. "And the gender.. Would you like to make it a surprise or know it?" She asks.
I look over at Max. He smiles a bit. "We'd like to know what it is please?" I ask softly.
"Okay. The gender you're having.."


Hehe I'm evil ;)
Don't worry the gender will be revealed next chapter.
Hope you guys enjoyed :D
Until next time.. BYEEE

EDIT: Someone told me it's called morning sickness (thank you :D) so I decided I'd fix it up a bit cx

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