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Okay but in all reality hey what's up hello :D
Alright enough with the songs. BUT AYE IM BACK WITH BOOK THREE. Let's get started!


I walk into the apartment building with Jackson, carrying my bags.
I of course have to turn around and freaking back into someone.
"Oh I- sorry!" I say and quickly turn then back up. "Preston?" I ask, disbelievingly.
"Cass? Hey! What are you doing here? Where's Max?" He asks, raising his eyebrows slightly.
"First of all, hey! Been a while since I've seen you. And second of all, I caught him kissing this girl named Andrea," I say then shrug and look down.
"Oh- sorry to hear that. I know you guys were supposed to get married in a week. So I'm guessing you moved down here to Texas to-"
"So I didn't have to see him every day and feel my heart get broken over and over," I say and look down. "Oh! But this is Jackson, my brother. He moved down here with me," I say, smiling. 
"Nice to meet you dude," Preston says, smiling warmly.
"You too, so I'm guessing you..."
"I live in this apartment building too. Yeah," he laughs a bit.
"Oh- that's cool," I laugh a bit. "Where you off to?" I ask, noticing Preston is holding his keys.
"I'm actually about to go pick up Rob, Vikk and Lachlan," Preston says, smiling a bit.
"Oh- cool. Hey, you guys should drop by and say hi," I say, half jokingly.
"Sure, what apartment room?" He asks.
"Uh- Jackson?" I look over at him.
"Room B6."
"Really?" Preston asks, raising his eyebrows.
I glance at the room key in Jacksons hand then nod and look at Preston. "Yeah,"
"Well- we're neighbors. I'm in apartment B7." He says, smiling.
"Oh- cool!" I say, smiling.
"Yeah- so I'll see you later tonight?" Preston asks, turning to leave.
"Yeah. If it's no bother," I say, shrugging a bit.
"Of course it's not." He says then starts walking off.
I smile a bit then turn to the elevator.
One things for sure, this apartment building is much bigger.
When we push open the door, I'm speechless to how big the room is. "Wow.." I breathe.
Well, almost speechless.
"You wanna pick the first room?" Jackson asks, looking over at me.
"You sure?" I ask softly.
He nods and smiles. "You don't need to worry about the furniture. It's pre furnished." He says and shoos me off.
I nod a bit and turn then bring my bags down the hallway.
This room is much.. Much bigger than the last one.
I look in one of the bedrooms, then another, and then the last one.
They're all pretty big.
I decide on the room on the left. It's a pretty decent size. Definitely bigger than my old room.
I sigh and lay my bags down then start unpacking.
Better start sometime, right?


I walk through the gate and up to Preston. "Hey, man. Good to see you again," I say, smiling.
"Hey, Lachlan. Oh, guess who just moved to Texas?" Preston says, smiling.
I furrow my eyebrows and turn my head slightly. "Who?" I ask.
"Cass and her brother. She says that her and Max aren't together anymore because she caught Max kissing another girl. She said her name is uh.. Andrea." Preston replies.
"Oh?" I ask, making a face slightly.
"Yeah." Preston says and shrugs a bit.
"So the guys are gonna be here in about-"
"Now? Hey, dude," I hear Rob say.
"Rob!" I say, excitedly then turn quickly and hug him.
He pats my back a couple of times before we both pull away from the hug.
"Vikk isn't here yet?" Rob asks, raising his eyebrows.
"No. Not yet, I think his plane just landed so he should be here in about five minutes." Preston replies, shrugging.


I sit on my bed as I turn on my phone and notice that my phone is spammed with texts and has a few voicemails.
Eight missed calls. All from Max.
I delete the voicemails and look over the texts but don't reply to any of them.
I plop my phone down beside me and flop on the mattress.
Jackson had gotten in the shower so I have literally nothing to do.
I hear a knock on the front door, making me groan in response before getting up and going to the door.
I pull the door open and the first person I see is Lachlan.
Then Rob,
And Preston.
"Hey!" I say smiling.
"Oh so it's true- you did move here," Lachlan says, smiling.
"Of course it's true," I laugh then remember why I moved here and the smile on my face disappears.
They all glance at each other and I put on a little smile. "So, why'd you guys come over here?" I ask, raising my eyebrows slightly.
"Oh, uh we just really quickly wanted to say hi,"
"Lachlan," Preston hisses.
Lachlan turns and I hear them whisper a few things but I don't hear what they're saying.
"Alright, god. We were gonna go see Deadpool, you wanna join?" Lachlan asks, raising his eyebrows slightly.
I stare into his bright blue eyes for a few seconds, almost getting lost in them.
"Sure, why not." I say, smiling. "I gotta go get changed. Uh- you guys wanna come in?" I ask, stepping aside.
"Uh- sure," Preston says and leads the three other guys in.
"I'll be right back," I say and go to my room to get changed.


So book 3 chapter 1 is out :D hope you guys enjoy :3

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