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"Well my moms name is Barbara and she has blonde hair and blue eyes. And my dad, Kendrick has light brown hair and eyes. In highschool where they first met there considered the perfect couple which earned them the names Barbie and Ken. I was their first baby and they thought it would cute if I was named after them giving me the name of Barbie Kendra O'Grady."

I smiled at her and tilted my head. "That's actually really cute."

She shook her head no vigorously. "No it's not cute. Everyone thinks me and my sister are weird."

"What's wrong with your sister?" I asked.

"Her name is Skipper Madeline O'Grady."

"As in Skipper, Barbie's doll sister?" I said leaving my mouth open. But then I mentally slapped myself because I knew that the doll barbie had a sister... How lame am I?

"Unfortunately. But at least they gave us good middle names to go by." She said biting into her apple.

"Oh, what do your parents do?"

"There are into real estate. And get this, it's called Dream House."

I couldn't hold it in, I bursted into laughter. "I'm sorry, but that's actually really funny."

"Yeah, yeah I know. So since I just gave you my story what's yours?" She asked.

"Okay, so I'm from New York, I just moved here. There's no background to my name, my mom is looking for a job and im pretty young to be a senior."

"How old are you?"

"I'm 17." Kendra's eyes went big. "Yeah I know, I was pulled up a grade because I was "so" smart."

"I guess were total opposites, because I was held back a year because I'm sure dumb." She laughed making me laugh as well. Her laugh was so cute, it sounded like a little baby.


All of lunch Kendra and I made jokes the whole time sharing stories and embarrassing moments. She is quite entertaining. After lunch we exchanged numbers and went to our last block classes.

Once school was over I headed back to the front to leave when I was stopped by Mrs. Jackson.

"Hey Hun, it that your red Jeep parked out front?" She questioned.

"Yup that's mine."

"Oh okay, that is the teacher and guest parking, from now on you'll have to park with the rest of the student on the side of school."

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that."

"It's okay dear, it's your first day how could you?" She laughed. "Well I guess that's all have a good afternoon Lucy."

"You too Mrs. Jackson." And with that we went our separate ways.

When I got into my car, I checked my phone. I haven't looked at it all day except when I was exchanging numbers with Kendra.

I had three messages. One from mom and two from Dana.

I checked moms first, she texted saying she had an interview.

The I check the ones from Dana.

Dana: Hey! How was your first day?
Dana: Meet any friends??

Me: it's was good, and yeah I met this one girl named Barbie!

Dana: that's her real name? Does she look like a barbie?

Me: blues eyes blonde hair...yes, but she she hates her name, + she's super nice

Dana: oh that's funny, I'm about to go on my date!

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