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✴Lucys POV✴
(Sunday Morning)

I wake up to have piece of paper taped to my forehead.

Me, Bentley, Greyson, Karlie Ann, and Blake went to gym.
Xo, Dana
P.S you snore ;)

Well that's unfortunate.

I was so tired from crying last night, that I went straight to sleep.

I'm still in my clothes from yesterday. So I decide to get in the shower.

Once I'm out I slip into cropped leggings and a grey muscle shirt.

I wish ythey would have woken me up to go with them. I would have worked out.

Haha no I wouldnt. The only work out I do is power walking...from my room to the fridge.

I probably would've have pretended to do something, but I would really be watching Bentley working out.

But they didn't so I guess ill just read until they get home.

Kendra and Skipper are still sleeping, I mean it's only 10:30 but whatever.

I lay down on the couch, and cover myself with Karlie Ann's heated blanket. She would kill me if she knew I was using, but hey sharing is caring girlfriend.

I turn on the tv, because I like background noise, I hate when things are quiet, because then I can hear the littlest thing, and then I think someone's in the house.

I flip to abc Family and one of my favorite shows are on!

Pretty Little Liars!

I've been watching this show ever since it came on, its honestly so good, but I think the creators have played it out, with so many seasons. Like come one we found Allison, but no there's another A! But, it gives me something to do every tuesday so I'm complaining that much.

I've started a new book.

It's so goood! I'd highly recommend to everyone, I tried to get Karlie Ann to read it, but she threw chicken nuggets at my forehead

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It's so goood! I'd highly recommend to everyone, I tried to get Karlie Ann to read it, but she threw chicken nuggets at my forehead.

As I'm reading I hear the toilet flush down the hallway. I look to see Skipper walking holding her stomach.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

She goes to speak, but doesn't and flops on the couch.

"Whyyyyyy?" She cries.

"Why what?" I ask now concerned.

"Why do I have to have my period?" She cries out again.

I laugh.

"Dont laugh it's not funny." She snaps.

"Oh sorry." I giggle.

Poor girl. I remember when I first got my period, I was crying the whole time. But now it doesn't even bother me anymore.

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