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Made by me the author (Not the best I know)

Made by me the author (Not the best I know)

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This was just a pic sent in, by a reader (I'm sorry I forgot your username, but please comment it!)

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This was just a pic sent in, by a reader (I'm sorry I forgot your username, but please comment it!)

This was just a pic sent in, by a reader (I'm sorry I forgot your username, but please comment it!)

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Alright well that's a wrap for Human Lunan covers

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Alright well that's a wrap for Human Lunan covers.

Title reveal of sequeal coming soon!

I will also be starting a completely different book. It will be a Teen fiction. I will be taking offers for that one two. Reveal of that title will be posted with the sequeals.

Only two more interviews, then Human Luna as a book is over!

I really hoped you enjoyed Human Luna!

Shout out to all my Royalties♡ cause y'all slay!

Forever and always, daaprincess

Human Luna #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now