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~Amethyst's point of view

I walked into first period right before the bell rang. Pearl was sitting in the front talking to rose.
She looked up and noticed me.
" Hey Amethyst, again I'm sorry for-"
"It's alright pearl."
I went to my usual seat in the back. Ruby came in late and sat beside me.
"S'up Ame. I heard about you and pearl. You okay?"
"Yeah. As long as she's happy, I'm happy." I faked a smile at her and she smiled back.
"I'm glad you're doing okay."
I honestly don't care who pearls with. Just as long as she can be happy. I don't want to keep her tied down to me if she's not happy.

~after school
I met peridot in the front of the school.
"Hey p-dot ready to go get some ice cream?"
"Y-yeah sure."
I walked to my car and she followed. We got to the ice cream shop and got out.
"Hello what can I get y- hey peridot." Lapis said not too pleased with peridots presence.
"Hey lapis. I didn't know you worked here."
"Yeah. I do. So what do you want?"
"I'll have mint chocolate chip. What about you amethyst?"
She handed us our ice cream and we sat down.
"Hey peri, what's wrong?"
"Okayy. So what's up?"
"The sky obviously."
"You know that's not what I meant peri."
"Nothing really. You?"
"Just hangin' with you."
We sat in awkward silence untill she spoke up.
"How are you doing?"
"I'm fine. Pearl apologized again today but I don't really care. As long as she's happy."
"That's nice."
"How are you peridactle?"
"I'm fine. Just fine."
"Cool." I finished off my ice cream but peridot has only finished half of hers.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
"You wanted me to get ice cream with you so you obviously wanted to talk about something."
"Right. I wanted to invite you to my house for a sleepover this weekend. I don't know many people and I need your help inviting some. Just don't invite lapis and jasper."
"Okay peri. I'll tell everyone tomorrow. Should be fun."
"Indeed." Peridot finished off her ice cream and we got up and left.
Once we got to peridot's house she got out.
"See ya later peri!"
"Goodbye Amethyst."
I drove home, got something to eat and went straight to bed. I'm looking forward to peridot's sleepover. She's such a nerd but she's a cute nerd. Wait what?! Don't tell me I'm falling for another one.

* I'm back for this one chapter. It may take a while for the next one. I'll try to make it longer than the rest of them. If you have any suggestions on what should happen comment them. I could really use some help with this I honestly don't know where I'm going with it

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