Chapter Nine

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"Melody, please stay with me...stay alive. I can't lose you. Please."

Melody opened her eyes and saw the most beautiful angel she's ever seen. "I'm so tired of running, so tired."

"I know baby, I know. But, I need you to stay awake. You need to be strong for just a bit longer and I promise you won't have to run anymore."


"Melody! Melody!"

And she drifted off again.


Melody was sitting in a white fluffy room, and in front of her were two people dressed in white. Two people she thought she'd never see again.

"Mom? Dad?" She choked out.

"Hey sweetie. We've missed you." Said her mother.

She started to cry, "I've missed you guys too. So much. What happened? Am I dead?"

"Oh, no Symphony. You're not're just having a dream, that's all."

She stayed quiet trying to gain the courage to ask her parents all the questions that have been on her mind since they died. But, then she became angry at them. Angry for leaving her alone. Angry for leaving her with a psychopath whose after some stone she's never even heard of.

"What's the 'Moon Stone'? Why does he think I have it? Why does he want it? What's going on?"

"Wow, Melody calm down.One-"

"No! You don't get to tell me to calm down! You don't know the hell I've been through these last two years! How hard it's been, moving from place to place, always having to look over my shoulder, afraid to go to sleep most of the time because of the nightmares. And all for what? Huh? Some damn stone I've never even heard of, yet you guys know everything about? I deserve some answers, as to why he wants it and what it is and where it is."

Her parents stayed quiet for a long time before her father responded, "We never told you because we were trying to protect you. We didn't want you to know until you were older. We wanted you to have a normal life."

"And that turned out just perfect, didn't it?" She snapped.

Her mother burst into tears and Melody wished she could take the words back. Here she is with her family after not seeing them for two years, and this is how she's spending this precious moment?

She sighed, "I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean it. It's just been so hard and I've been scared. So scared." She broke down and started to cry tears she hasn't shed since the night her parents died. All the tears caused from anger and fear.

"Oh, sweetie. Come here," her mom held her arms open and Melody ran into them. Oh, how she has missed her mother's hugs, her parents comfort; made her feel like she was home again.

They pulled apart after some time and then her parents seemed to be moving away. "What's happening? Where are you guys going?"

"Our time is up."

"What do you mean? We barely had anytime to talk. You didn't even answer my questions."

"Don't worry Symphony, you're answers are closer than you think."

"Wait! Please don't go. Let me go with you, I can't lose you guys again."

"You can't come with us," her mother said. "You have so much left to do in the world. So much protecting, guarding. But we will always be with you no matter what. You will never lose us. We are both so proud of you. Just remember that we love you so much."

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