Chapter Two

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Song: "Future" By Justin Bieber ft. Kehlani


Of course, five minutes later, Melody was completely lost. Although the town was relatively small, everything was far. So far she's passed by an elementary school, a park, a couple of small neighborhoods and trees. The trees were everywhere. Despite being lost, Melody couldn't help but admire the beauty around her. The trees in different shapes and colors, the small hills, the huge mountains, even the dull gray sky above seemed beautiful.

A couple minutes later she passed by a small cafe and her stomach growled. Sighing, Melody turned into the cafe's driveway.

Maybe I can ask for some directions to the nearest grocery store.

Entering the cafe she was immediately hit with the smell of brewing coffee and baked goods, her mouth instantly watered. Melody walked up to the old lady behind the counter and asked for a coffee and a sandwich. While waiting for her order to come out, the old lady whose name tag read, Mary, decided to strike up a conversation.

"You new in town, sweetie?" She asked smiling.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Well my name is Mary, and if you ever need any help you just come and ask." Mary smiled

"Thank you, Mary, I'm Melody. I actually need help finding the nearest grocery store. Could you by any chance tell me how to get there?"

"Of course sweetheart! When you leave the cafe, turn left and keep driving for about ten minutes. On a corner you'll see a small public library, once you get past that corner turn right, keep driving for another five minutes and the store will be on your right side."

Smiling, Melody replied with a, "Thank you."

Paying for her food, she went to sit in a corner booth. While slowly drinking her coffee, Melody started to think. She was glad to find out there was a public library nearby, Melody loved to read. Reading took her to another world and away from her own problems.

I'll go and check it out later on today.

Melody's thoughts then went sour, she started to remember about the last letter she had received just four days ago. Like every other one she had received it was straightforward and chilled her to the bone with fear. It was the fastest letter to have reached her. Melody recalled the words, "I'm so close to finding you. Soon you will be dead." Three days later, her bags were packed, the room was turned in, found the cottage she now lives in and left.

Shuddering, she hoped another letter wouldn't come this time; quite frankly Melody was tired of moving around. But, luck hasn't exactly been on her side these past two years. Ever since the murder of her parents, she's been living in different cities for the past two years. Living in small rented rooms, using fake names, and with the money her parents left her. Melody wondered how much money she had left, and estimated around four hundred dollars left - enough to last her a couple of weeks.

I need to get a job, maybe in a restaurant.

Still in deep thought, while eating her sandwich, she didn't hear the door's bell ring as a new customer walked in.

"Logan! How're you doing, honey? The usual?" She heard Mary ask

"Morning Mary. I'm fine thanks, you? And yes I'll have the usual, please."

That voice was so deep and rich, Melody immediately looked up to see whom it came from. Almost choking on her sandwich, he was by far the most handsome guy she has ever seen. He was tall, tan, with hair black as night and messy enough that all of a sudden, she had this strong urge to run her fingers through it. He had eyes so green, they looked like emeralds, and his lips looked so kissable. And his body, Oh my, Melody thought. His body resembled a Greek god, buff but not too buff. He was dressed similarly to her with a white shirt, a black leather jacket, dark jeans and black boots. Hearing someone gasp, Logan turned looking in her direction, blushing she realized she was the one who gasped.

Smirking, Logan gazed her but then look down frowning as if he'd just had a bad thought. Then he looked back up at Melody and his frown deepened. Quickly paying for his order, he walked out the door with swiftness. Frowning, Melody wondered what that was all about. Shrugging it off she gathered her belongings and said bye to Mary before exiting out the same way she entered.

Melody drove singing along to the beat of the music. Thanks to Mary's instructions, Melody was able to find the grocery store pretty quickly. Once inside, she walked aimlessly through the aisles. When she was in the cookie section, Melody stopped and searched for chocolate chip cookies. Only to find out it was on the highest shelf. Now Melody isn't short, but she isn't Michael Jordan either.

Determined to get the cookies, Melody stepped on the bottom shelf but still couldn't reach the damn cookies. Huffing, she took the risk to climb onto the second shelf and was finally able to grab the pack. Her victory was short lived though when she lost her grip and felt herself falling backwards.

Closing her eyes with a yelp, she waited for the hard impact of the floor. Instead, what she felt were tingles running up and her down her spine and a warm hard chest that smelled of woods and rain and a hint of cologne and even chocolate. Mmmm she loved chocolate.

Snapping her eyes open, she saw a pair of green eyes glaring at her. Green eyes that she immediately recognized, that could none other belong to Logan, who somehow managed to catch her fall. He put her down so fast it almost gave her whiplash.

"Um, thanks for catching me."

He just sent her a grunt with a another glare and quickly walked away.

"Geez, what's up his ass?" She whispered.

Melody saw his back stiffen and glance over his shoulder her way, a smirk playing on his face, before looking away and leaving the aisle.


A/N: Here's chapter 2! Hope you enjoyed it! I will try to upload at least a chapter a week for now, though I hope that some of you understand that I have other responsibilities that will come first. But nevertheless, I will do my best to update as soon as I can! 

Above is the picture of the handsome Dean Geyer as Logan Lýkos.

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