Chapter Ten

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It's been a week, and Melody was getting sick and tired of seeing the same four damn walls. She wanted to get up and stretch, walk, bathe.

And don't even get her started on Logan. God he was worse than her mother. Checking up on her every five minutes. Making sure she took her pain meds. Don't get her wrong, Melody was grateful that Logan saved her life and is giving her a place to stay, but he acted as if she were made of glass and about to break any second. Sure, the first few days she didn't mind being waited on hand and foot, but after that it started to get pretty annoying. She found his worrying endearing. Though, for every move she'd make, he'd tell her not to move or to be careful. For every sound she made, he came bursting through the door - nearly giving her a heart attack on various occasions- and making sure she was okay.

Melody was fine, sure her ribs still hurt a bit and her vision goes a little fuzzy when she moves too quickly, but she wanted to get out. The only time she left the room was to go to the bathroom, and even then Logan would carry her.

Finally, on Thursday she couldn't deal being stuck in that room anymore, so Melody decided to take a much needed shower and take a quick tour of the house. Getting out of bed, Melody hissed in pain. Her torso was still heavily bandaged and it always hurt to move. After the pain subsided, she took a deep breath and took a small step. She felt as if she was learning how to walk all over again, but she sucked it up and took five more steps towards the door. Just those five steps were enough to make her feel woozy and out of breath. Once Melody opened the door, she looked down the hallway to make sure Logan was nowhere around. Seeing that the coast was clear, she sighed in relief and tried to look for the bathroom.

After a couple more steps, Melody stopped at a door and opened it. Finding the light switch and flicking it on, Melody sighed in relief. She's never been so happy to see a shower before in her life. Carefully taking off her clothes, she stopped when she reached the bandages. Every two days they had to be removed and Logan would always put some type of cream on her torso, which relieved some of the pain she felt. Melody blushed when she remembered the first time he did it.

Logan had taken the bandages off very slowly, Melody had her eyes closed the entire time, but she could barely feel his fingers while he rubbed the cream. Everytime he finished, he would look up at her, his eyes almost pitch black, blush and mumble something, then rush out the room.

When it was time to replace the bandages, Melody would never look. She didn't want to see the scars that would haunt her forever. Very slowly, Melody started to unwrap the bandages while standing in front of the mirror. Once they were gone, she gasped in surprise. The scars were made just a couple of days ago, though they looked like they were just a couple of weeks old, months even. Of course it still hurt like a bitch whenever she moved or touched them, but other than that they were fine.

Melody then started to look at the rest of her body. Her left cheek had a slight bruise from where Rivers had slapped her. On the right side of her face, there was a small scar from her eyebrow all the way down to her cheekbone. Looking down at her right arm she saw the long, deep wound that began from her shoulder and finished at her elbow. She could still feel his claw digging into her her skin and her blood dripping down her arm. Melody faintly remembered hitting her head, touching where it hurt the most, she winced. A huge bump was on the right side of her head, Melody was surprised she could even remember her name after that hit. Hell, she was surprised she was even alive. If it wasn't because of Logan, Sebastian and Ethan, she would probably be - no she couldn't think that way. She was alive and that's all that mattered.

Melody turned the water on to a warm temperature. Stepping in, she sighed when the water hit her body. She was careful with her wounds, while cleaning herself, trying to get rid of the feeling of his touch on her body. While showering she started to wonder about that damned Moon Stone. Logan said he was doing as much research as he could, but every time she would ask him about it, he would shut down completely. Melody frowned at that, she deserved to know what all the fuss about this stone was. She was nearly killed because of it. At the same time she was thinking of what Logan and his friends were. Werewolves.

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