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Hi my name is Ariana and today is the day my aunt is sending me to boarding school. I don't want to go she said the school will help me with my academics even though I don't need help I have a perfect 4.0 GPA and there is no need for me to go to boarding school which is two hours away from my home by the way. I have friends here at my public high school I'm actually pretty popular and I love my friends. I know it's going to be hard for me to make friends at the boarding school because it's a boarding school and everyone is going to be stuck up and I'm not prepared for it. I'm not a stuck up little princess I'm just a small town girl that lives in a small house with two little brothers and a single dad. I was the girl of the house so I was always on top of things like cooking and cleaning and on top of that I kept my grades up. I was responsible for helping my brothers do their homework. My dad didn't really do much ever since my mom died he's had a bit of a drinking problem and doesn't really ever come out of his room. So I'm forced to keep up the household and I pay most of the bills I'm basically already an adult but I'm only 17. My aunt moved to Connecticut about two months ago and she says I should get away and get some alone time but of course while I'm doing that I should still keep up my grades. She said she will take care of my dad and brothers but I don't really see why I have to go two hours away just to get some alone time but arguing with my aunt is like arguing with a 80 year old women she just ignores me and doesn't care about my opinion because I'm "just a teenager who doesn't know anything about life". "Ariana are you ready?" I hear my aunt call from downstairs. "Yes I'm ready I'll be down in a minute" I call back to her. I grab my suit case and my duffle bag and go downstairs. When I get downstairs I see everyone waiting for me in the living room my aunt my brothers and my dad. You could tell my dad had been drinking because his eyes were red and he looked tired. I gave every one a hug and said I will miss them and then me and my aunt left. Me and aunt aren't very close the car ride there was awkward she made a little small talk with me but I just replied with small answers like okay and sure. I was still kind of mad at her for making me go to boarding school but not as mad as I was. I was just really upset I would be leaving all my friends behind but I was happy to get away from the responsibility and drama in my life. We pull up to the school and I sat there stunned for a moment. It was a big brick building with a whole lot of Windows and you could see some students sitting outside studying or talking to friends. It seemed like a pretty nice place and it looked elegant and the people looked nice from what I have seen. "Beautiful isn't it?" My aunt ask. "Yes for sure." I reply. "I knew you would like it when I saw the brochure I knew you had to go." I give a small fake laugh and open the car door. When we walk to the front door of the school a lady opened the door.

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