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"Goodmorning miss Grande. We have been excited to meet you all day." The women says with a huge smile placed across her face. "Thank you." I reply and shake her hand. "I'm Mrs. Smith and I am the girls dorm advisor." "Nice to meet you Mrs. Smith." I say as politely as possible. "We should go to the front office and get your schedule and to sign yourself in there's a lot of paper work to be done." She tells me with a little laugh. I smile and nod and follow her to the front office. My aunt left because the paper work did not involve her and she didn't need to be around anymore.

When we get to the front office I'm greeted by a bunch of women in their late 40's. They were all so nice and pleasant. When I was finished with the paper work I was handed my schedule and some texts books. "Would you like me to carry those for you dear?" Mrs. Smith says with a smile on her face. "Sure thank you so much." I reply returning the favor of a smile.

She grabs my books and takes me down a hall. The hall was narrow and there were dorm rooms on each side of the hall. Mrs. Smith stopped in front of a room. "Ah yes 35b is your new room and home." Mrs smith says. She pulls out a key and unlocks the door. When she opens the door and walks inside I see two beds a mini fridge a shelf with a tv two dressers and two night stands. The rooms were much bigger then I expected. "This is your bed over here" says Mrs smith. The other side of the room had a bed with a purple confronter and black pillows. There were posters of bands on the walls and music records on the dresser. Mrs smith must have caught me starting at the other side because she said "that is your roommates side of the room." "Roommate?" I say In confusion. I wasn't really aware I was going to have a roommate. My stomach was turning. What if she hates me? What if she doesn't like the way I dress? I stopped thinking about the what ifs and finally replied to Mrs. Smith. "Thank you" "your welcome." Mrs smith says and leaves the room placing the key on top of the night stand. Se gives me a smile before she shuts the door behind her. I genuinely return the favor.

When Mrs. Smith left I began unpacking and placing my jeans and shorts into the drawers on my dresser and hanging up my shirts and dresses in the closet. I was happy to see two closets because that's the one thing I hate sharing I hate having my clothes mixed up with other people's clothes. I put my sheets and pillows on my bed and I put picture frames of my friends and family on the night stand. I place my textbooks in the drawer on the night stand and I put all of my makeup and accessories in my top drawer of my dresser.

While I am setting everything up I hear the door opening. My stomach began to turn. When the door opened four people walked in. They were all laughing and when they saw me they stopped and stared. "Oh hey" one of the girls say she had blonde hair and was dressed in jeans and crop top shirt. "I knew I was getting a roommate but God did she have to look like this." The other girl says. I took it offensive but I just ignored her comment. I'm guessing she was my roommate she had black long wavy hair and she was wearing black leggings and a red tight belly shirt. The two guys just stared at me and finally one of the guys says. "Come on Sasha let's leave and get some dinner" the blonde hair girl replies and says "sure" and she grabs his hand and they leave out the door.

"I'm Ariana." I say and greet myself to my new roommate. I hold my hand out to shake hers but she ignores it and says "I'm Selena" she walks over to her bed and sits down the guy is still staring at me. He looks me up and down and laughs a little. I thought he was insulting my outfit. I didn't think anything was wrong with what I was wearing I was wearing a white tight crop top with a black high waisted skirt and some black flats. When he is done staring at me he walks over to the bed and sits next to Selena. They turn on the tv and watch it I assumed they were dating because he had his arm around her and she had her head placed on his chest. I sat down on my bed and started to read a book. They both looked over at me and chuckled a little but I ignore it. About 20 minutes later they both get up and Selena says "I'll be back before nine me and Justin are going to get some dinner." "Okay" I say. I was surprised she even spoke to me.

When they left I read a little more and by 9:30 Selena still wasn't back so I decided to go to sleep.
I know I started with jelena please don't hate me😁 but I'm gonna tell you all the characters Selena is Ariana's roommate Justin is Selena's boyfriend and Sasha pieterse is Justin's and Selena's friend and Harry styles is Justin's and Selena's friend and Sasha boyfriend. K that's all.

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