She doesnt even have ashma?

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Avia's POV

I will get u avia grace, when im out of here, I will get u


I jump out of my nightmare, Im sweating and breathing heavy. I sit there for a few minutes and couldn't catch my breath. I realize that I cant catch my breath. Im super scared right now. I run into twins room and sneak up on Jai's bed. "Jai, jai, J-" I yell, and start to sob, shaking him. "Avia? Whats wrong? are u ok?" he asks sitting up. " I had a nighmare, hes gonna get me, he gonna-" I was cut off by my breathing getting really short and in short breaths. "OMG avia calm down shhhhhh shhhhh" Jai says rubbing my back trying to calm me down. My throat felt like it was closing up, "I-I- cant- breath" I squeeze out of my swollen throat.

Jais POV

"Oh shit....LUKE!!!" I jump down off the top bunk onto the bottom bunk. "LUKE....wake up, seriously wake up you cunt" I scream at him. "WHAT JAI" luke said getting pissed off. "Avia cant breath what do I do" I spoke rapidly.

Lukes POV

"Avia cant breath, what do I do" Jai franticly says to me. I jump off the bed and run over to the gasping avia. I feel her throat with my fingertips. "shes having a ashma attack" I say. "WHAT? she doesn't even have ashma?" Jai says confused. "I don't know man, but my inhaler is out" I yell frustrated. "Just go find mine" Jai exclaimed and searched in his gym bag and pulled out his inhaler. I put the inhaler up to avias mouth and told her to take big breaths. Avia took a few big breaths and her breathing was slowing down. "Holy fuck, are u ok avia?" I say." yes im better, what was happening to me" she asks confused. "Um I think u have ashma" Jai says.  "We will go to the docters tomorrow" I tell her and told her to just sleep with me since beau is at skips house. Thinking of that I should text him:

Luke: Hey Beau...

Beau: Hey Luke, whats up

Luke: Well Avia got up in the middle of the night, not being able to breathe

Beau: OMG is she ok, do I need to come home?

Luke: Yes shes ok, we ended up giving her a few puffs of Jais inhaler

Beau: But she doesn't even have ashma

Luke: I think she does?

Beau: we will all go to the docters tomorrow and I wantr u to sleep with her tonight, judt in case

Luke: k I will, c ya tomorrow

Beau: Tell them I love them

Luke: k

I stop texting beau and lay down in my bed with avia and tell her to wake me up if that happens again. I say goodnight to Jai and flick off the light...

Avia Grace Mackenzie BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now