2 - Running The Show On My Own

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  Sanji wiped down the bar counter, checking the clock. It was 11:45.
"Everything alright, Boss...?" asked the waiter with him, Zane. He would be staying with Sanji for the night, as well as Julian, who was in the back room, waiting.

  He took in a deep breath, trying not to let his hands shake. This was his first time cooking for the back room and going in there as the owner. He was worried his cooking wouldn't be as good for Koshiro as his old man's was. He also was wondering if...the moss head would be there. It'd been 9 months since he last saw him...he wondered if he was ok.. Not that he cared if he was or not, but he didn't want the idiot to throw any plates or break anything if he did come. Last time he saw Zoro, He bent one of their fry pans, showing off. Sanji hit him with the pan then kicked him in the chest out of the kitchen.

  Sanji set the rag down and checked the clock, 11:59. He took in another deep breath then looked at Julian. Julian nodded, "You'll do fine, boy. You're your dad's son." Sanji smiled and nodded a thanks, then walked to the secret door. Over the 13 years, the disguise had to be changed a bit. The lattice was upgraded and painted, the ivy was replaced with fake morning glories and birds. He opened it and walked inside, his foot steps echoing down the hall. Funny...this hall seemed longer when he was a child...course, back then he was about the height his legs are now. 

  He turned the slight corner, and was greeted by 6 men. 4 of them were sitting on the benches and two where at the tables. He saw Koshiro and smiled. The man had aged, but still smiled. He bowed slightly to Koshiro.
"Ah, Sanji. All grown up and able to sit with the big boys." Koshiro bowed slightly where he sat. "I've missed coming here, been a long 9 months without All Blue's steak and pasta."
Sanji smiled again, "You're always welcome here, Koshiro." Koshiro laughed a bit and nodded.

  Sanji's eyes slide over to the man next to him and his air stopped in his throat. It was Zoro. He was wearing a dark red shirt, a black vest and black tie. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, which made Sanji almost smile, remembering when they first met as a child. His eyes traveled more north to his face, and he was glad the air was stopped in his throat or he would have gasped. His left eye was closed shut by a long scar. One end almost touched his hair line while the other end hovered above his lip. His green hair was slicked back, except for a few tuffs in the middle of his hair line that seemed to refuse to stay down. His eyes were still the same, dark and unemotional, except...when they slid over and noticed Sanji, a small spark lit up in those eyes.

  Sanji pulled himself from his thoughts and bowed slightly to Zoro, who bowed as well.
Koshiro smiled widely, "Today is a special day and deserves a special meal, Sanji."
"Oh..?" asked Sanji, bringing his attention back to the old man.
"Yes! Today...Zoro took over my position as Mob Boss!" Koshiro looked proud and Zoro cracked a small smile at his father's praise. 
"Are you retiring, Koshiro?"
"Yes, yes. My old body doesn't keep up with the young guns anymore."
"You're not old, Pop." Zoro said, his voice gravelly but caring.
Koshiro chuckled a bit. "I am, Zoro, and I'm not ashamed of it. I've done very well and I think I deserve a long rest." Zoro said nothing, just nodded a bit.
Sanji smiled at Koshiro, "So...what shall I get for you and your men on this special evening?

  Sanji took the orders and flew back to the kitchen, starting up the stoves quickly and getting the food together in record timing. He ordered Zane to grab a few bottles of specific wine and to open the door. They headed back down the hall, and cheers came from the 4 men at the benches. He laid Koshiro and Zoro's food first then the other mens' food.

  "Sanji, sit with us!" Koshiro said, waving to the seat across from Zoro. "You're father always sat and drank with us. Now it's your turn." Sanji nodded and took a seat as Zane opened the bottles and poured out the wine. When the glasses were handed out, including one to Sanji, Zane asked if there was anything else. Sanji shook his head, saying he could go sit with Julian. 
Koshiro took a bite of the meal, "Mmmm...Sanji...! Just as good as Zeff...maybe better!!"
Sanji smiled and sipped his wine, "Thank you." He looked at Zoro who, as usual, was just scarfing it down. At least he was using a fork and knife.

  Zoro looked up at him and saw Sanji staring at his plate. He cleared his throat, which made the young chef jump. "Tastes good, thank you." Zoro said, his voice still gravelly. Sanji nodded, smiling a little. 

  Koshiro and Sanji talked and laughed while Zoro sat and listened, only speaking when asked a question. Sanji felt...well...he felt kind of put off. Zoro wouldn't even look at him, let alone say much. They hadn't seen each other in 9 months, you think them being friends for 13 years would out do 9 months of not seeing each other. Sanji huffed a bit and sipped more wine. Then again...what did he expect? Zoro's chatting slowly died down the older they got. It got to the point where...the last time they talked Sanji did most of the talking and Zoro did all the listening.

  Actually...Zoro had acted weird the last time they talked. He seemed...sad? Was that the right word? Disappointed? Something had been off with the green haired guy, that was for sure. He didn't look at Sanji once that day, just stared at his feet and scuffed the ground. He didn't even eat the sushi Sanji had managed to sneak out of the kitchen. Not that he needed to sneak much anymore...he was the second chef at that point.

  "Well...I suppose we should be going." Koshiro said, patting his belly. "The meal was wonderful, Sanji, thank you."
"Any time, Koshiro. So...Thursday, right?"
Koshiro nodded, "Yes except it'll be just Zoro. I'll be out of town." Sanji nodded back. He started gathering up the plates as the men started getting up and leaving. Sanji grabbed the dishes left out the door, heading to the kitchen. 
"No good bye...it has been...what, 9 months?"

  Sanji turned around to see Zoro standing there, leaning against the wall, a smirk on his face. Sanji scoffed, trying not to show how glad he was Zoro was talking to him, "Says the guy who barely said two words to me tonight or 9 months ago?"
"Yea, yea..." Zoro walked over to the sink. "Need some help?"
"Don't you need to be going home?"
"No, I have my own ride home, so dad won't need to worry and shit."
Sanji scoffed again, "Yea...you can help if you don't mind getting your "mob boss" hands dirty."
Zoro laughed loudly, "I think you mean clean. They're usually dirty."
"Shut up, moss head."
"You said the stupid thing, curly brow."

  There was a bit of silence between them as the dishes were done.
"So...mob boss huh...?"
"Yea...I was training for 9 months...thats what I've been doing this whole time."
"Here or...?"
"Far away."
"Oh....I see."
More silence.
"So...you're the owner of All Blue. That's great, huh?" Zoro said, drying one of the last dishes.
"I guess. It's what I enjoy doing and it keeps me busy and my mind occupied..."
"Occupied...what you were worried about me?"
It took all of Sanji's will power to hold back the blush threatening his face. "No, moss head! I was worried about this restaurant and food prep and bills! My life doesn't revolve around your green head!"

  Zoro chuckled, enjoying watching the cook hide all his twitches and blushes. He could always tell because his eye brow would twitch. He grabbed the very last dish from Sanji, and his rough fingers brushed against Sanji's soft ones. Damn...how did he have such soft hands...?

  Zoro had to admit it...the stupid cook was all he thought about in 9 months. He was Zoro's only friend, and it made him angry he had to be sent away for 9 months from his family, home, and normal food. He had eaten weird things he barely knew the names to. Now that he was home, he could eat from his favorite restaurant with his cook.

  He placed the dish on the counter and paused. His...cook? Sanji didn't belong to anyone, let alone him. They had a weird friendship, calling each other names, insulting each other. They sometimes had gotten into fights, which at first consisted in pulling hair and biting then evolved into punches, kicking, and still hair pulling and biting. 

  Zoro looked at the clock, feeling slightly flustered. It was actually time to get home. 
"I gotta get going."
"Alright." Sanji said, putting away the plates. Zoro grabbed his coat he left lying on a table and slipped it on. He was about to open the secret door when Sanji popped his head out around the corner. It made Zoro laugh inside, remembering when they first met. What came out of Sanji's mouth was the last thing he expected, but it was nice to hear.
"Zoro...it's nice to see you, again."
Zoro turned back, and finally smiled, "Nice to see you again, too, Sanji. See you soon."


Nothing rated "M" yet, but it'll come~

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