3 - Hot Baths and Sake Should Never Mix

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  It was Wednesday night, and Sanji was locking up All Blue for the night. The night, cold air blew down the alley and he wrapped his scarf a little tighter around his neck, shivering a bit. He groaned at the idea of walking back to his apartment, but not much of a choice. At least he could have a nice, warm bath when he got home.

  "Oi...Cook." Sanji jumped a bit and turned to see Zoro. 
"Zoro? What are you doing here...? It's not Thursday...unless something was planned and no one told me." Sanji knew his voice sounded panicked but he didn't want to disappoint the mafia and let down his old man. 
"No, you didn't miss anything, don't get your boxers in a twist," chuckled Zoro. "I'm here just to hang out."
Sanji almost yelled at Zoro for mocking him, then stopped. "Hang out? In a cold, windy alley...?"
Zoro laughed, "No! Geeze...! I was thinking we could hang out. Maybe at your place?"
"My...place...?" Sanji blinked.
Zoro shrugged slightly, sheepishly. "Yea...kinda can't hang at my place...what with the mafia and all."
"Ah...well...ok. I suppose it's alright."
Zoro grinned, "Wanna lift?"
"Oh yea...you have a ride." Sanji looked down the alley, "Sure. Beats walking home."

  Sanji followed Zoro to a motorcycle. A motorcycle...? Didn't the idiot moss head realize it was late fall, which meant it was getting colder?! Sanji groaned, maybe he could still walk...this ride was going to be just as cold.
Zoro saw his grimace and chuckled, "Don't worry, Cook, the ride will be quick and painless."
"I'd rather it not be freezing..." grumbled Sanji. Zoro started up his motorcycle then patted the seat behind him.
Sanji almost bit his tongue. "You want me to sit there?!"
"Where else? There is no other place, idiot."
"You don't have to grab onto me like some girl. Get over yourself and get on."

  The cook still didn't like this but...it was faster than walking home. Maybe he wouldn't freeze too much before he got to the bath. Sanji got on the back behind Zoro, leaving enough room to make sure nothing was touching and that them riding a motorcycle together didn't look too gay. Zoro took off slow then picked up some speed. He could have been a jerk and launch Sanji at his back, but he wasn't THAT big of a jerk.
Sanji started chattering almost immediately. He pulled his scarf up higher, tried to clench his legs together, rubbed his arms, but nothing was working. He didn't realize he was slowly scooting closer to Zoro's back until the wind wasn't blowing at his face so much and he saw Zoro's back really close to his nose. He almost jumped back but...god he was really enjoying this warmth. He wasn't "snuggling", but if there was like a no homo spooning that'd be pretty close.

  Finally, after Sanji having to yell at the green headed idiot he took a wrong turn 5 times, they made it to Sanji's apartment. Sanji hopped off first and almost fell over. His legs were so frozen, he wasn't sure he had legs. He some how waddled to the door and unlocked it. Zoro was behind him, following. Sanji let him in and locked the door back up, then almost ran to his apartment. God, all he wanted was a hot bath...

  He unlocked his apartment and turned on a light so Zoro could see. Inside was pretty homey. A couch and an arm chair surrounded a coffee table and faced a TV on the wall. The kitchen was nice. Nice stove, fridge, ect. It had a few, nice plants and some candles are scattered around. The apartment was just nice.
"So..." Sanji said as he hung up his coat and scarf. "there's some left-overs in the fridge and some sake, too. I'm going to take a bath, make yourself at home." Zoro nodded and Sanji walked to his room, grabbed some clothes, then walked to the bathroom.

  Sanji moaned slightly as he sank in the hot water. Oh god it felt so good on his frozen bones. He let his mind drift back to the ride. He should feel embarrassed about "no homo spooning", and he was a little bit...but...he liked it. Zoro's back was much wider than his own. Sanji's back was lean. It was muscular but bony, too. Zoro's felt like all muscle. Even through Zoro's coat, Sanji could feel heat. Radiating heat. He wondered how that back looked in a tight shirt...? Or...no shirt...?
  Sanji bolted upright, burning bright red at the erection poking out of the bath water. What...the hell?! He did NOT just get an erection thinking about a guy! Why was he thinking about a guy?! 

  Sanji got out, feeling his bath ruined by the stupid moss head. he dried himself off, grumbling, then pulled on his sweatpants and a T-shirt. He opened the door, drying his hair, and saw Zoro sprawled out on the couch, eating chips and drinking sake. Sanji didn't realize what Zoro had been wearing, because it was dark and the cook was freezing, but he could see now. Zoro was wearing some dark, knit sweater and jeans...tight jeans. Sanji gulped a little but shook his head. KNOCK IT OFF!!

  Zoro saw Sanji and smiled, "Hey, slow cook. Bath was good?"
"Yea...it was ok. Just needed to unthaw."
"Ya unthawed now?"
"Then come sit." Zoro patted the seat next to him. Sanji snuffled over and sat down, trying to keep himself calm and relaxed. Sanji could smell the sake coming off Zoro's breath and when he turned to look at him, the moss head's eyes were slightly glazed over and his cheeks flushed. 
"Whatcha starin' at...?"
Sanji jumped a bit. He didn't realize he was staring. "I-I'm not staring! I was looking at...a speck...on the wall...over past you."
Zoro smirked, "Sure ya are." He took another swig of sake.
"Give me that, you drunk ass..."

  Zoro glanced at Sanji. The blonde was watching TV now, looking more relaxed. He took a sip of the sake and held it in place on his lap so Zoro wouldn't get it. It almost made him laugh. The more sips of sake Sanji took, the redder his lips were turning...they looked like cherries. Did they taste that way, too? God I'm drunk and thinking gay things...and...huh, it doesn't bother me...is that because I'm drunk...?

  After 2 more bottle of sake were emptied, both boys were drunk and red faced, giggling masses on the couch. One of Sanji's legs was flung over Zoro's lap and Zoro had a hand on the blonde's thigh. A small part in Sanji wanted to slap it away but...it was washed away by his sake mind. 
"Mmm...we need pillows..." Sanji said, his words slurring.
"Fer wha...?" asked Zoro. His thumb was making mindless circles on Sanji's thigh.
"A pillow fort, tha's wha...! I has a whole buncha in mah room...!" Sanji somehow managed to untangle his legs from off Zoro and started to make his way to his bed room when he felt a tug on the back of his shirt. He looked back and saw a cat-grinning Zoro, tugging. 
"Zoro....let go...." whined the blonde.
"Naw....Imma cat and yer mah mouse..." slurred Zoro. 
Sanji yanked out of Zoro's grip, but yelped as he tripped over his own feet.

  The fall should have hurt. There should have been pain all up his back. Drunk Sanji even knew that much. He opened his eyes, wondering when he had closed them, to see Zoro, leaning over him, nose almost touching his own. Zoro's instincts had still kicked in, despite him being shit-faced drunk, and had caught Sanji before he fell.
What that meant, though, was one of Zoro's legs was between Sanji's and his hand was on his back, keeping him from the ground.
Sanji felt so much heat from his drunken flush and blushing and Zoro's face. He felt the heat crawl its way down his neck, to his chest and all the way to his dick.  A small whimper escaped his lips before he could bit them, and Zoro just stared, his eyes not so glazed over anymore.

God...even the moss head's voice was causing his body to react. Chills went down his spine and caused him to arch a bit, which also caused a small bit of friction. 
Zoro grunted a bit, looking down at where the friction had happened, then looked back at Sanji. His face...his fucking face was so damn cute. It was all red and the chef's eye's were slightly watery. His breathing was uneven and his shirt...well...it had fallen over his shoulder.
Zoro's body tensed and he clenched his eyes tight as he felt heat make it's way down south. When he opened his eyes, Sanji's cherry lips were bright red from the cook biting them.

  Zoro snapped, grumbled a "fuck this...", and dove down and kissed Sanji hard on his cherry lips.


Some slight rated "M" stuff, but next chapter is gonna be as juicy as cherries!!

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