5 - The Next Morning Didn't Go How You Thought It Would

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  Sanji groaned at the throbbing in his skull. He shifted slightly and hissed at a shooting pain that started in his lower back and went up.
"What the hell....?" He placed a hand out, but it didn't land on the bed. It landed on something that was moving and warm and...scarred...?

  Sanji looked over and would have jumped out of bed if his back wasn't so sore. There was Zoro, sleeping soundly next to him....in his bed....shirtless. Oh god...is he pantless....? Wait....I'm pantless....what the hell?!?
Sanji shifted more violently, then yelped in pain. 

  Zoro was awake and staring at him, his eyes staring a hot line right into Sanji's soul. Sanji somehow has managed to shift himself to the far edge of the bed that he fell off with a loud THUD.  
"Ugh god..." Sanji groaned, then yelled as he realized he was, indeed, pantless, and his dick was showing. He grabbed the sheet and yanked it down to cover himself.
"Oi...! Don't be a sheet hog...!" Zoro peered over at him. "Need help...?"
"N-no! I d-don't!" He tucked the blanket for in his groin. "Wh-why are you here...? In my bed...?"
Zoro raised an eyebrow at him, "You don't remember much do you...? Are you that much of a light weight when it comes to sake....?"
"I am not a light....wait....remember...?" Sanji stared, blankly, "Remember what..?"
Sanji turned pale as Zoro's face broke out into a wide, almost evil smirk.
"You were all over me like a horny bitch."

Sanji suddenly found his back didn't hurt anymore as he shot himself back onto the bed and wrapped his hands around the moss head's neck.
"WHAT?!" He shook Zoro's neck back and forth, angrily. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"
Zoro coughed and loosened Sanji's hands a bit and wheezed out, "Your dick is on my stomach..."
Sanji yelped and jumped off him back to where he woke up and wrapped himself in the blanket. Zoro sat back up, coughing and rubbing his throat.
"Is that how you treat someone who was gentle with you for your first time...?"
"SH-SHUT UP!!" Sanji's face was beat red. He looked down at Zoro's bare legs and his eyes met contact with his dick. His face went even redder. "AND COVER YOURSELF!!!"
Zoro smirked, "If you'd stop lookin' I wouldn't have to cover."

Zoro chuckled but took the sheet and covered himself, but only just enough. Sanji silently cursed him then took a deep breath. 
"Why....why are you in my....my room...."
"You told me I could."
"I...I told you...." Sanji repeated. "Are you...are you sure I said that...? Are you s-sure you didn't misinterpret me s-saying....you can spend the night...?"
Zoro looked him straight in the eyes, his face very serious. "I didn't misinterpret anything...after we were done....you said, "just stay here. Get in the bed."
"D-done...?" Sanji gulped, remembering suddenly he was pantless.
"After you were done being a horny, needy bitch."
"STOP IT!!!"

Zoro stared, watching Sanji shrink farther into his blanket, his face looking hurt. 
"Stop calling me a horny, needy bitch when I can't even remember what happened!!"
He looked up at Zoro, his eyes watering, his face pinched up in anger and pain. "Out of curiosity, do you tell that to everyone you sleep with...?! Because if you do then you need to fucking work on how you talk to people, you ass!" His leg shot out from underneath the blanket and kicked Zoro in the shin.
"Now...get your fucking clothes and get the fuck out....!"

Zoro was kicked again and this time kicked off the bed. He took that as a sign to quickly gather up his clothes and get out of the room before it got any worse. Once the door was shut, he groaned. He was a real moron. Why did he have to say it like that? He knew there was a thousand other ways he could have said, "we fucked" without being an ass, and he picked the worse way to say it.
Zoro groaned again and put on his boxers and pants. He hadn't meant to say what he had said, his damned cocky ego got in the way. The cook was like two different people. There was the cute cook last night that wanted Zoro to please him, then the cook this morning that wanted to go head to head with him. Zoro liked both, but the cook from this morning made his ego come out and not want to be beaten. 

Suddenly, Sanji's bedroom door opened and Zoro jumped back, afraid to be kicked again. Sanji came out, dressed in a black long sleeved T-shirt and gray sweatpants. He had dark circles under his eyes and they also seemed to be kind of...red? Had he been crying?
Sanji huffed and crossed his arms. "I thought I told you to get out."
"I-I was getting my clothes on and...I just wanted to make sure you were...ok...."
Sanji scoffed and walked past him to the kitchen and opened a cupboard. He pulled out some coffee and started messing around with the coffee machine. Zoro wasn't sure what to do. He just stood there, his body in a position that was ready to run if he needed to. 
"Sit the fuck down, you idiot..." Sanji said as he pressed a button on the machine. Zoro nodded and sat down. 

There was nothing but silence between them. Zoro just stared at Sanji's back while Sanji stared tiredly at either the coffee machine or the counter. When pot was full of coffee, Sanji grabbed two mugs and poured coffee into both.
"Anything in your coffee...?" Sanji asked, his voice sounding drained.
"No, but thanks." 
Sanji made some grunt noise and poured some creamer and sugar in one mug then handed the other to Zoro. The green haired man took his mug gingerly and sipped it, fearing if he made too much noise he'd set Sanji off. 

Sanji just stood there, leaned against the counter, sipping his coffee. He looked tired and worn but he never once looked over at Zoro. Zoro wasn't sure how long it had been in this silence.
"When you're done with your coffee, please leave." Zoro almost spilled his coffee from his jolt from hearing Sanji's voice so suddenly.
"I-I'm sorry...?"
"When you're done, leave."
"Well...yes of course...can...can we talk...?"
"No." Sanji finally looked over at Zoro, and Zoro's heart shattered. Those blue eyes were as dark and dead as a corpses. It scared him a bit. "We can't talk. I don't want to hear anymore of your shit come out of your mouth." Sanji sipped his coffee again. "In fact...I don't want you at my apartment ever again. The only times we'll see each other is on the days planned at the restaurant...nothing more."
"But Sanji...."
"No buts." Sanji set down his mug, almost a little harshly. "I don't want to have to see your face more than I have to...."

Zoro knew he deserved that. That didn't make it sting any less. Zoro set down his mug and stood up. "Alright, Sanji. Then I'll be leaving. I'll see you at the restaurant tonight."
Zoro slipped on his coat and shoes then opened the door. Before he walked out, he took one last look at the chef.
Sanji was still at the counter, but his shoulders were hunched more and trembling, and a hand was brought to his face. Zoro walked out and shut the door quietly behind him, then punched the wall opposite of Sanji's apartment.
He made the cook cry. He made his best friend cry. He made his best friend not want to see him. He was the biggest ass ever.


Some fighting, some angsty like stuff, some OH NO WHY moments.
Good times. Gooood tiiiimes.

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