4 - Smut and Fluff

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  Some yummy "M" rated stuff!!
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  Sanji had seen the greedy, possessive look on Zoro's face, and then it happened really quick. The moss head kissed him. Sanji wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not, and he wasn't sure if he care either. He could feel a knock at the back of his head, and he knew it was some sane, sober part of him yelling and throwing a fit. He ignored it.

  Sanji had been slightly hard since his bath incident, and the sake had given him either courage or stupidity to keep it going. He kissed Zoro back and moaned a little, and that seemed to drive the moss head crazy. He growled and kissed harder, driving his tongue into Sanji's mouth. The cook gasped, his body tensing for a minute at the intrusion, then he groaned a bit and his body relaxed. He battled Zoro's tongue, neither really caring who won.

  Zoro's hand crept to Sanji's waist. The skin was burning and slightly slick with sweat. He slowly slid his hand up the cook's side to his chest. Sanji groans and arched his back a little, his long legs shifting. The moss head glanced backwards. Those legs, those damn, long legs. How did they look bare, or wrapped around his waist, or lifted over his shoulder...? Zoro groaned and turned his attention back to the front. There would be time, lots of time. He was going to make this last as long as possible.

  His fingers brushed over Sanji's nipple and the chef hissed. Zoro thought he hurt him at first, but realized the expression wasn't pain, but needy. It drove him wild. He quickly stripped Sanji of his shirt and stared for a moment. He really was beautiful. Sanji's chest was pale, and lean, with a bit of muscle. Zoro knew he wasn't weak, though, the chef had kicked his ass more than once. A blush started near his collar bone and went darker as it went up to his face. Stupid sexy cook...

  Zoro dipped down again for another kiss, this one a little less brutal now that he knew Sanji wasn't trying to get away. He moved the kisses across his cheek and down his jaw bone, causing a shiver. As he kissed down Sanji's neck, he rubbed his thumb in circles over the chef's nipple. Both actions at the same time were causing delicious sounds to come from Sanji's mouth. Zoro kissed down Sanji's neck, then decided to "kiss" a little hard. 
"Z-Zoro...!" Sanji hands lightly gripped the moss head's arms. He pulled back enough to see a lovely mark forming. He smirked, licked it, and continued kissing downward until he reached the collar bone. He placed light kisses and licks before travelling to a nipple.

  This was some new territory to Zoro. He'd made out with a girl or two when he was a teenager, but anything past the collar he was lost. He tried not to look lost, though, so he blew gently on one nipple. This caused a squeak and a shiver. Zoro pushed forward and gave a small lick, which caused a soft moan. The moss head saved all this for the future.

  He left the nipple and traveled down to the navel and Sanji's "happy trail" Sanji was blond, but the happy trail was a much darker, like brunette. He licked around Sanji's navel, which he learned to make sure the chef was watching before he ever did again. Zoro was met with a knee jab right to the gut, which sent him sprawling backwards. 
"O-Oh god...!" Sanji scrambled up, looking at Zoro, concerningly. 
Zoro winced a bit but smiled, "I'm alright. Did I hurt you...?"
"No...I guess it's just...sensitive..." Sanji was blushing even more now, which made him so much more cuter. 
"It's alright....but....maybe you should take off my shirt. You know...to check for a bruise...?" Zoro sad, smirking. 

  Sanji gulped but reached for the edge of Zoro's shirt and lifted it up slowly, nervously. A small part of his sober self had leaked in but it wasn't screaming or yelling, it was shy and embarrassed and very self aware. When Zoro's shirt was off, Sanji did check for a bruise, but he was staring at the big scar across the moss head's chest. His eyes widened and he looked up at Zoro's face, concerned.
"You didn't do that," Zoro said, smiling softly, "It was a 'gift' from another mob."
"Oh..." Sanji reached out, tentatively, and ran his finger tips over the scar. He heard a soft, content sigh come from the moss head. He cleared his throat and scootched closer, placing both hands on the scarred chest. He ran his hands gently and slowly up and down, gliding over every bump and scar and muscle, every dip and curve. He looked up and saw Zoro's face was gentle and watching, a small blush on those tan cheeks. Sanji leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips.

  Zoro melted a little and wrapped his arms around Sanji's waist, who wrapped his arms around Zoro's neck. Skin on skin contact felt amazing to the both, but they wanted more. Zoro frantically tried to undo Sanji's pants. He was having such a goddamn time with the button and he was getting more and more frustrated. Sanji chuckled, then slightly pushed Zoro away. He stood up and grabbed Zoro's hand, leading him to his room. The chef was still nervous, but whatever logical, reasoning part should have been yelling at him was keeping quiet.

  The room showed much more of Sanji than any other room in the house. Knick-knacks lined his dresser along with colognes, cuff links, and some bobby pins. Zoro smirked at that, picturing the chef using them to pull back his long bangs. A few pictures hung on the wall, and the curtains were a dark red. Zoro sat on the bed, prompted by Sanji, and the comforter felt soft against his calloused hands. Zoro turned his attention back to the chef, and he almost choked on his gasp.

  Sanji stood there, and started to undo his pants, slowly. First the button, then the zipper, then his thumbs hooked around the waist of his pants. That's where the bulge in Zoro's pants almost got unbearable. Sanji teasingly slid down his pants to his ankles, then stepped out of them. Zoro saw the tent in the chefs boxers and he almost drooled. Sanji walked over, slowly, then started to undo the moss head's pants as well. Zoro clenched his toes as those skilled fingers glided over his bulge. When his pants were pooled around his ankles, Sanji did another surprising thing.

  The chef draped one leg over Zoro's lap, and sat there, bulge against bulge. Zoro looked into Sanji's face, and he could clearly read "need" and "want". He decided to give the blond what he wanted. He placed his hands on Sanji's hips, and grinded into him. The groan that came from those lips was magical. Sanji gripped Zoro's shoulders, then wrapped his legs around the other man's waist, needed more friction. Zoro complied and began a rhythmic grind, causing Sanji to pant and moan some more. 
"You sure...?"
Sanji nodded.

  This would be the first time Zoro ever touched a dick other than his own, but he knew some things. He wasn't really interested in porn....but god did he read. He read a lot of those cheesy adult romance books with all the sex scenes in it, and one of them was actually a gay one. He hadn't put the book down till he finished it, then was red faced for 2 weeks. He knew some of what to do, but a lot of it he just let his instincts do the work.

  Zoro took a calming breath to shut his nerves up, then slid a hand down the front of the chef's boxers and Sanji almost came then and there. He gently stroked Sanji's dick a bit before he pulled down the boxers. Zoro pulled his own down and started grinding again.
Another delicious moan came from Sanji, and he leaned forward and rested his head on Zoro's shoulder, trembling a bit and panting. He wrapped his arms around Zoro's neck, and clamped his teeth on the moss head's shoulder, trying to quiet his moans some.

  Zoro had enough of teasing. He quickly laid Sanji down and hovered over the blond, who looked up at him a little afraid but oh so needy.
"Shh....I'll take care of you....just a little longer...."
He slid down to Sanji's dick and gave it a small kiss on the tip, which caused Sanji to twitch and moan, then Zoro lick his fingers till they were soaked and started to gently tease Sanji's entrance. When he seemed to be doing alright with that, Zoro slid one finger slowly in.
"Ah...! Z-Zoro...! It...feels...."
"I know....it'll feel ok soon..."
Sanji groaned, feeling unsure but trying to trust Zoro. It just felt...intrusive. Which, it was but....it felt so exposing. Sanji wasn't use to that.

  Zoro started to play with Sanji's nipple as he slid in a second. Sanji's back arched off the bed and a soft hiss came from his mouth. Zoro decided to stop the nipple tease, and moved back up to Sanji's face, while still prepping, and kissed him. The hissing stopped, and the chef seemed to relax a bit more. Zoro started some slow scissoring and kissed Sanji more passionately, trying to keep his mind off any pain and on the kiss.
"Stop fucking around and just fuck me....."

  Zoro chuckled a bit, but gave Sanji a quick kiss before he pulled his fingers out. A small whimper came from Sanji, and Zoro though it was kinda cute. This chef was getting more and more cute by the minute.
Zoro licked his hand a few times then slicked up his member. When he was wet, he lifted one of the chef's long legs over his shoulder. He gave it a small kiss, remembering his thoughts from earlier, then positioned himself at Sanji's entrance. He looked into the chef's eyes.
"Are you sure....we can stop...." asked Zoro.
"I'm sure."
Zoro nodded, then slowly started to enter.

  The hot burning pain was terrible at first. Sanji white-knuckle gripped his comforter and bit his lip to keep from yelling. Zoro didn't push it though. He leaned over and kissed Sanji's cheeks and forehead gently and softly.
"Gotta relax a little....it'll hurt less...."
Sanji attempted a nod, but wasn't sure he he actually nodded or not. After a few moment, he'd relaxed enough to let Zoro continue. It went like that for a bit till Zoro was fully in. Sanji could hear Zoro was breathing heavier than he had been before, and he was starting to sweat a little, too. 
"I'm...gonna start moving...ok? I'll go slow...."
Sanji nodded for real this time, and Zoro started.

  At first it burned again, but then, after Zoro got a rhythm, it began to feel amazing. Sanji tried to hold back his groans but the friction felt so good. He bit the back of his hand, but Zoro pulled it away and encased it in his own. 
"I want to hear you..." he said, his voice low and deep. Sanji wasn't use to so much exposure, and it made him embarrassed, but then Zoro hit something inside him and it made him see stars.
"Ahhhhh!!!! Z-Zoro...!!!" Sanji's back was arched deeply and his one free hand clawed the comforter harder. Zoro smirked as he realized he found Sanji's "sweet spot".

  He grabbed Sanji's other leg and hefted that over his other shoulder, then started to thrust deeper, hitting that spot. Sanji saw fireworks after fireworks, he was panting and groaning like crazy and his voice kept getting louder and louder. When he tried to cover his mouth Zoro quickly slammed it back onto the bed, growling. After the 4th time of having to stop Sanji from covering his mouth, Zoro decided to help...by kisses. He scooped Sanji's mouth up in a deep kissed, causing more moans from the chef. They nipped at each others lips, teeth clashing together as Zoro's thrusts became faster.
"Z-Zoro..." moaned Sanji. Zoro reached down and began to stroke Sanji's member in time with his thrusts.

  That was too much. Sanji arched his back deep and yelled as he came hard between them both. The sight was too much for Zoro, and he groaned deeply as he came inside Sanji. A quick thought came to him that maybe that wasn't the best idea and he might get kicked for it later, but he pushed it in the back of his mind.

  Sanji was exhausted. His body was still trembling and his body's temperature was cooling down. Zoro scooped him up and pulled back the bed's covers. He laid Sanji down then covered him back up and turned to leave.
"Wha...?" Zoro turned back.
"Just...stay here...get in the bed." Zoro could see Sanji's cheeks turn red again, but he just smiled and nodded. He slid into bed next to Sanji, and as soon as he did Sanji was cuddled up against him. Zoro was surprised, but smiled and almost chuckled when he saw the chef was already out like a light. He tucked some of Sanji's hair behind his ear, then kissed his forehead gently.
"Stupid cook...I think...I think I....love you...."

  He knew Sanji didn't hear him, but that was fine. Zoro wrapped his arm around the chef's body and began to feel his own eyes start to droop. The last thing he remembered before falling asleep, was that Sanji snored softly, like a small mouse, and how cute it was.


Some yummy "M" rated stuff!!


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