6 - I Was Only Stalking Because I Care

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Weeks went by with Sanji's demands being rooted in place. Zoro only saw him at the restaurant on the specific days, and Sanji only hung around to drink for a bit then left. The waiter, Zane, usually cleaned up or got them more to drink once Sanji left; and boy did Zane have to get more to drink. Zoro drank like a fish. He'd go through 6 bottles of wine on his own. His guys with him caught on and wouldn't drink so much, as they'd have to drive him home.

To say Zoro was miserable was an understatement. When he wasn't "working", he was home, laying around and watching TV. He'd usually hate doing this and would be exercising, but all will or motivation to do anything was zapped from him. The only reasons he was "working" was because his father was trusting him to do this, and Zoro knew in a couple days he'd get to go back to the restaurant.

Today, Zoro wasn't laying around home watching some sappy movie. Today he was out walking. It'd gotten much colder and had snowed a few times. A good inch or two was on the ground. Zoro breathed in deeply. He loved the cold air. It hit his lungs with such ferocity that it sparked life into him. It made him feel awake. He wasn't sure what compelled him to go walking today verses all the other days. He'd looked out side and seen it was snowing a bit, and then suddenly his boots were on and so was his jacket. Zoro really didn't mind all too much, though. It kind of felt good to be out. He didn't need to be laying around his apartment moping over that damn cook. He doubt the fucker was moping over him.

Zoro almost slipped in the snow as he darted behind a post office mailbox. Up a bit, on the other side of the street, was the "damn cook". He was coming out of a coffee shop with some orange haired girl, laughing and sipping coffee. He looked....alright. He didn't seem to be moping, which Zoro figured. The girl was...pretty, Zoro guessed. All girls looked the same to him. Probably why he liked looking at the cook so much...

The green haired man shook his head and watched as they passed. Before he knew what he was doing, he was following them. Why? Who knows. This was the first time in a long while Zoro had seen Sanji looking casual and he...well...he missed it. He could hear snippets of conversation, boring shit like, "what shampoo do you use" or "did you try that tea I suggested". Zoro almost just walked away, until they came to a bus stop. Zoro put up his hood and leaned against it, pretending to have an earbud in as he listened to the conversation.
"I'm glad I got you out here today, Sanji, you needed some color." That was the girl.
"I guess. The coffee was nice, so thank you." Hearing Sanji's voice up close now, Zoro could hear how tired it sounded.

Girl: "You're welcome, thought you could use it. Zane tells me you aren't sleeping much?"
Sanji: "Yes and no....I do sleep....just...."
Girl: "Just....?"
Sanji: "I....usually end up crying myself to sleep...."

Zoro couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sanji cried himself to sleep? Why? Because...because of him?

Girl: "Because of that guy, huh?"
Sanji: "He wasn't just a guy, Nami." Ah...Nami. So there was a name for the girl. "He...he's my best friend...or...was...I don't know..."

Zoro felt someone just stabbed him in the throat with a knife.

Nami: "Was? So you guys aren't friends?"
Sanji: "We haven't exactly talked much since that night...he hurt me Nami..."

God Zoro wanted to fucking punch himself right now.

Nami: "I know....you've told me, honey, but did you ever think that maybe....MAYBE....Zoro didn't mean to say those things the way he'd said them? From what you've told me..you guys have always been in competition with each other, or fighting, or arguing, but you always make up in the end....maybe you yelling at him caught him off guard."
Sanji: "Maybe...."

Sanji's voice was so quiet. Zoro wanted to just hug him, tell him he was sorry, that he was and idiot and he'd never say those things ever again.

"Listen, Sanji...you two need to fix this." Nami said. "Because it's apparent you miss him and...in a way...need him in your life."
"I don't need..."
"Sanji...don't even. Because this was the first time I've ever had to get you out of the mental part of the hospital and this has all happened after you and your friend's big fight."
Mental part of the hospital? What the hell? What happened?
Zoro heard Sanji sigh. That sigh sounded so tired and weak and he was sure if he could look Sanji in the face, he'd see deep, dark rings all under his eyes. He was probably pale and thinner than usual.
"Do you ever think about him, Sanji?" asked Nami.
"Yea...we grew up together...he's my best friend...the longest he's ever been away was for 9 months and I was so...so happy when he finally showed his ugly face again." Sanji laughed a bit, though it sounded like a wheeze. "I think about him more than once every day...."

Zoro walked past the bus stop after that. He needed to get away or he was going to grab Sanji and hug him and risk the kick in the ass he'd get. He rounded a corner and darted into an alley way, breathing deeply. Fuck...had he screwed up....and instead of trying to figure out how to fix it, he was drinking and sulking and stalking. Some best friend he was.

It warmed some part of his heart, thinking Sanji missed him...but that part went ice cold when he remembered the mental part of the hospital and how tired and weak he sounded. He wanted to find out more...but he also knew he had no right. Sanji didn't want him in his life right now. He was mad, and had every right to be.

He thought of Nami, the orange haired girl. How well did she know Sanji? Was she a waitress at the restaurant? Zoro didn't think so but...he wasn't the most keen observer. She seemed to be pushing Sanji to talk...maybe Zoro could talk to her.
He checked his watch. It was time for him to get home. Tonight was a restaurant meeting, and he vowed not to drink a lot this time. He wanted to get a good look at Sanji.

Zoro won't get to see Sanji at the restaurant, though. It'll be quite a few hours after that he'll finally get to see the cook's face, and what he'll see will either make him or break him.


Alriiiiight some confusing feelings. Best friend or....maybe something more?
Hospital huh...? What happened there?
And what's gonna happened next where Zoro won't be seeing Sanji at the restaurant?

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