Part 2

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Phil got his locker and schedule. He walked outside of the office to see Louise and two boys waiting for him."Phil! This is Chris and PJ. Chris, PJ, this is Phil." Louise said, introducing them to each other. Phil and PJ shook hands, and Chris went in for a hug that Phil didn't expect."Chris is a bit outgoing. Sorry 'bout that." PJ said. Phil smiled,"Don't worry. I don't mind too much." "So," Louise started as they all walked down the hall,"what locker do you have?" "Umm... Number 84 d-wing." Phil said, looking at the paper. He looked up to see scared faces."What's wrong?" "You have a locker next to," Chris gulps,"him." Phil tilted his head slightly,"Who's him?" PJ hit Chris's arm, and explained."Chris is referring to a boy named Daniel Howell. He is always alone, and its said that he beat up a kid for trying to joke with him." Phil visibly paled and his expression went grave. I have a locker next to a lonely bully??!! Phil gulped, and gave the three a nervous smile."I think I'll be fine." Louise smiled at Phil's bit of confidence, but changed the subject anyway."So, what classes do you have?" Phil looked at his schedule."Mrs. Levi for Maths, Mr. Franta for English, Ms. Hart for P. E., Mr. Sivan for Show Choir(A/N: For those that don't know what Show choir is, its drama and choir put together. They do musicals), Mr. Oakley for Chemistry ((͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), and Mr. Harries for History." Louise nodded, and PJ looked excited."I have the same schedule! Awesome!" I smiled. At least I'll know someone in all my classes. "Well, I'm going to drop my stuff off at my locker. I'll be back!" Phil said, waving to his new friends. Phil walked off to the d-wing.


As Phil was putting his last book in his locker, he saw a boy approaching the locker next to him. That must be Daniel. Phil took in every detail of Daniel. Luscious brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, slightly tanned skin with no blemishes, black sweater that hugged his perfect body, black skinny jeans, and white converse. Phil tore his eyes away from Daniel just before Daniel looked up. Phil closed his locker, and checked his phone for the time. 8:31, it read. Phil decided to head to his class so he isn't late. On the walk to class, Phil couldn't get Daniel out of his head. It was like Phil loved everything about Daniel. Maybe he did. Maybe.

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