Part 3

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Phil got to class with a few minutes to spare, and decided to talk to the teacher first."Hello. I'm new to your class." "Ah. You must Mr. Lester, then?" Phil's English teacher, Mr. Franta, said. Phil nodded swiftly."Well, your seat will be right here." Mr. Franta said, pointing to a seat near the middle and next to the window. Phil sat down at his respectable place, and pulled out his notebook. He opened to a random page, and started doodling all over the page. By the time the bell rang, which was a few minutes after Phil sat down, his paper was almost halfway full of doodles and drawings (A/N: there is a difference). The bell rang, and teens slowly started filling into the classroon while Phil was drawing. Phil watched people out of the corner of his eye, but one person caught his eye. Daniel, Phil thought. Phil looked at the mysterious boy. Daniel took a seat next to Phil, and stared the board for instructions on work. Phil put his notebook away, and looked at Mr. Franta, who was standing in front of the class."Now class," Mr. Franta said, taking a glance at Phil,"we have a new student. His name is Phillip Lester, but call him Phil for convenience. Please make him feel at home. Now, the project." Out of the corner of Phil's eye, he saw Daniel glance at him. Phil would have glanced back, if he wasn't scared.

For most of the period, Mr. Franta explained a pair project where you would partner up with the person next to you, read "Romeo and Juliet", take notes on the play, then discuss your opinions on different points in the book. Phil was happy that he was partnered with Daniel, but he was also scared. Daniel has rumors hanging around him about how he beats up people that try to socialize with him, and since this project screams "Socialize!", it'd be hard to avoid that. After Mr. Franta was done explaining the project, everyone had about 20 minutes to talk to their partners to discuss what's going on. Most people knew their partner already, but Phil didn't. Phil turned to look at Daniel, and stuck out his shaky hand,"I'm Phillip, but you can call me Phil." Daniel looked at Phil's face, then his hand, like this was a foreign thing to him."Umm, did you know ninety percent of pigs are held in China by farmers?" Phil said randomly, his hand still in the air. Phil swore he saw Daniel smirk. Then, Daniel looked away. Phil retracted his hand awkwardly."Umm. When do you want to start the project?" Phil asked. This time, Daniel didn't even acknowledge Phil's existence.

Daniel continued to ignore Phil for the rest of the period. Phil decided to finish a drawing he has been working on. While he was drawing and shading, he saw Daniel glance at him out of the corner of his eye. Then, the bell rang, ending Phil's first and only class with Daniel.

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