4- Gustami and the Idiots

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A couple days later...

"Gilbert...why are you here so early..." England groans, answering the knock on the door in his pajamas.

"Oh come on. It's alveady like noon. Stop being such a baby..." He laughs at the other nation. "Anyvay, I came here for Mathew and I forgot my key." A little girl peeks out from behind his back.

"And why is Gustami here then?" He asked grumpily, letting the two in.

"Oh, vell west is gone at war so I had to take her along." He says, the girl walking over to the couch and sitting down.

England nods. "Fine...whatever..." He says and walks  to the kitchen to make some tea.

Canada walks out from out of nowhere, hugging Prussia and kissing him on the cheek. They sit down at the table, pouring themselves some coffee. "So how's Aletta? I hear the Nordics left her with you guys." He said, frowning at bit.

"Um...well, she's sad, but she seems to like it here so far." He says, sitting down also. Footsteps are heard coming down the stairs, England smiling. "Speaking of the munchkin..."

America walks in the door with Aletta clinging to his leg, the little one determined to hold on. "Good morning..." America says, yawning as he pours himself some coffee. He goes to sit down at the table, but stops, looking down at Aletta and smiling. "You gotta let go little one." He says, picking the girl up off of his leg and sitting her on his lap.

She smiles at Gilbert, waving at the white haired man. "Since when are you here?" She asked him, taking a sip of America's coffee.

"Well I just got here with Gustami. Have you met her yet?" He asked her, the little girl shaking her head. "Gustami...please come over here for a second..." He yells, a girl around the age of 9 walking up.

"Aletta, this is Pollyanna

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"Aletta, this is Pollyanna. She's my little sister." He says, the girl smiling.

"Hi people..." She says, waving and sitting down at the table.

"She's the micronation of Gustami, about the same age as Sealand and Ladonia." Prussia says, Aletta nodding and sipping more of America's coffee.

"Stop that! That's mine!" America whisper yells at the girl, Aletta smiling.

"Speaking of which...where are those two boys?" England asks, everyone shrugging.

"THE HERO AND HIS SIDEKICK WILL FIND THEM!" America yells, standing up with Aletta and running off into a random direction.

After searching for about ten minutes, America finds them cuddled up next to France, all of them sleeping.

"AWWW!" America whispers as Aletta climbs in, burrowing herself between France's arm and Ladonia.

Alfred takes a picture before leaving the room, smiling like an idiot at the adorable was he just saw.

Stormy Skies  ||Sequel to The 6th Nordic||Where stories live. Discover now