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after the girls and the lads' practice , we decided to head out get some cupcake , who you might ask suggested that? the one and only Niall Horan. but he wasn't that bad of picking the bakery either , "Wow Niall I've got to admit , you really know your food" i giggled and he just smiled ..., "Oh and by the way guys , this is Harry's Bakery" i was kinda shocked though ... "is he serious Harry?" I asked him, "it's a Family business , I don't own it , heck! I dont even own anything here" ...i wonder if he also baked that cake , he gave to Louis... "wait to we get a discount??" Perrie asked Zayn , "I don't know , you should ask Harry" Zayn said and Harry shook his head , "why don't you have a discount? ain't this a family business?" jesy asked Harry and again .. he shook his head , "wow okay , can we sit now , my feet is killing me" louis said and i rolled my eyes at him , " you should wear heels" I told him and he pushed me when I was going to take a seat .. gladly Liam caught me , "Louis , be on your best behavior" He scold Louis and he followed Liam but he sat next to Harry , the other side of the table are the lads and the other side were ours , "It's like were in a-" Perrie didnt finish because Zayn wante to finish her sentence ... "a restaurant" ... "AWWWEEE THAT ISS SOOOO CUUTTEE!!!" and here is Jesy losing it , "so what would you guys like?" Harry stand up and asked us , "Surprise us" I said and all of them agreed , except Louis , because we was on his phone , "How about you Lou?" Harry asked Louis .. WOAH HOLD ON ... He called him LOU ... how does he know that's Louis' nickname ... I know he said he knew Louis before , but why didn't Louis remember him? "Yeah sure" that was Louis' answer , I didn't know what he wanted , neither did harry , but he nodded and left , I snatched Louis' phone to see what he's up to ... "give it back Shithead" i stand up from my chair and went outside while screaming " no way Dickhead" to him , obviously he followed me , and I finally looked at what he's been up to, he's looking at Harry's profile on the school's website , he took his phone back and he was about to get inside but i kinda stopped him , "why were you looking at Harry's Profile?" I asked him .. causing him to stop , "Its nothing" , "Louis you can tell me , I'm your Best Friend"  ..... "It is really weird when it comes to him , earlier he called me lou , he gave me a cake on the first day , he asked me if I remember him , and the girls was so ... light on him , They immediately talked to him , like he's already closed with them" ... "And he even said that thing the girls always say about you" i told him and kinda did actions with my hands dont ask why, it just feel right "which one?" , "the thing about you being a badass but you can also be sweet as cake , then I asked him how did he know that , and he told me it was from the tommo's" ..... "How did he know that's what I call them" ... "you know what Lou, i think he's telling the truth about ... well that he knows you before" .. "but i dont even Remember a single detail about him.." "you gotta ask him, you even have to know what happened" i told him and he shook his head , i just sighed and both of us went inside , and Both of us was shocked at cupcake that was on louis' plate , it was ... "What's that Harry?" I asked him and pointed at Louis's cupcake , he smiled before answering .. "First , these are Cookies and Cream for the Lads"

"you already know what's in that" He smiled and Niall immediately took a bite out of it , "Cookies" Niall said while he was eating , "and Cream" Liam continued What Niall said and it made us giggle , "And for the girls , Red Velvet cupcakes with l...

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"you already know what's in that" He smiled and Niall immediately took a bite out of it , "Cookies" Niall said while he was eating , "and Cream" Liam continued What Niall said and it made us giggle , "And for the girls , Red Velvet cupcakes with little hearts on top"

"you already know what's in that" He smiled and Niall immediately took a bite out of it , "Cookies" Niall said while he was eating , "and Cream" Liam continued What Niall said and it made us giggle , "And for the girls , Red Velvet cupcakes with l...

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he said as he gave it us one by one , "Strawberries" Harry said before Perrie could asked , "How about Louis' cupcake?" I curiously asked ,

he said as he gave it us one by one , "Strawberries" Harry said before Perrie could asked , "How about Louis' cupcake?" I curiously asked ,

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"Its a carrot cake and its-" Niall kinda cut harry off ..., "Carrot??? Eww" its kinda cute at the way he reacted , "Its not that bad its mixed with Vanilla , Ginger , Cinnamon , Sugar and of course Carrots" wow its more specific than the other cupcakes , i wonder why , "How do you know that?" I asked him , "Well It's my recipe" i was shocked , but when I looked at louis he was already eating it , "I thought You didnt want vegetables?" I asked louis and he shook his head , "Now I do" he said and I giggled , "How did you know I like that?" Louis asked Harry and obviously All eyes were on both of em' , "That's the cupcake you always order here when we hang out" .... "Wait so you already met harry?" Liam asked , "I dont remember , but all of this make sense so I guess I did" I saw Harry smiled and we began to Eat our cupcakes and Harry even brought us Red Iced Tea , it was Delish!!! Niall even asked if he can have another , and another and another , haha but Harry didnt mind , He's so Kind and Nice , But I was still wondering about The coincidence thing .. or whatever ..

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