"Except Harry"

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just an ordinary day at school, and in the middle of an english test, Good thing Liam made me study though, but then I kinda Felt that my phone vibrated inside my pocket... But i gotta Wait... even though I wanted to look so badly ... so after the test , The teacher said that we can go so I went out and Quickly looked at my phone.. noticing that Louis texted me,

From Louis:
Going home dont tell hazza , remembered him but dont FOOKING TELL HIM

hazza? aww cute! I Wonder How—"Hey Niall" "Fucking shit" I screamed before dropping me phone , And I noticed that it was Harry..,

"Sorry Niall , I'll get it" He was about to lean in and Grab it but I remembered that It was still on, he could see the text!

"No!! It's okay!" I yelled making him stop for me to get it first , and making him feel confused though

"Sorry its personal, Lets go see Liam and Zayn yeah?" I nervously told him but then he grab my arm... shit

"Their Classrooms is that way Niall" Harry told me as He pointed at the opposite direction , making me fake a smile a little

"You're not hiding something from me are you?" "I–Uhh–Oh Hey Liam" Goodthing I saw Liam...

"Somethings up with you" Harry Said while He smack my head gently, I ignored him while I leaned in to Zayn's Ear to whisper to him,

"Did you get Louis' Text" I whispered to him and He nods before saying ..
"Liam too" But he said that Out Loud... Oh Zayn...

"Whats it about?" Harry asks, as He Walk towards us.. , I looked at Liam Who just mouthed 'I got this' to us,

"Its about The Drama thing thats going to happen in March, Were kinda going to audition for the part" Liam said making Harry look away from us...

"Oh Alright, Well anyway, I promised Tuff that I'll help him in his project, gotta run and No I'm not replacing Louis" Harry said before he could leave us standing in the middle of the hallway,

"So What's Louis' Plan" Liam asked us as he pulled us to the corner so No one could hear us,

"We really dont know, How bout we should just ask him, Then we'll talk about it later" Zayn Said and we all agreed to it before planning to go to the rooftop without telling harry...


Its like 10 pm right now, And me , Liam and Zayn are at the rooftop, Skyping with Louis,

"so Lou, How did you remember?" I curiously asked him , He smiles before answering,

"Well, I had this Notebook when I was taking down Football Skills, and I turned it into Journal , Then I had this Dream, Showing me what happened , after that I think I just Woke up and Remembered him...." After he told us that, I kinda squealed like a Fanboy... making Zayn and Liam Laugh at me ,

"So what's your Plan?" Liam began to ask so they wont laugh at me more...

"Eleanor..." "Wait what? How is that a plan?" Zayn reacted making Louis roll his eyes at him,

"She's Stinking rich, She can get a flight for me, Besides She's Gullible... I'll call her right now" He said as he Got his phone from beside him , he then puts it on speaker so we can all hear her,

"What Bitch" Eleanor said making Me Glare at my own phone , and making me smile a little bit

"You fookin ass, can you get me a flight there?" "Where?" "London you idiot" I kinda laughed a little bit, making niall smile ,

"And why?" "Well were low in cash and we can only buy tickets for my mum and my sisters" "Why are you asking me for help?" Why would she want to be Specific , ugh!

"Because you're my only damn Option! Are you gonna help me or not" "You're fucking Lucky I'm nice! Send me you're address and I'll send it there" I cant believe that work , or that she'll help me though... I then Pressed end call before putting my phone beside me, While Niall was giving me a thumbs up, that Irish lad... He's Kinda like harry... wait let me Change that... NOBODY IS LIKE HARRY! Period!

"So you're good?" Liam asks me while Zayn and Niall were tickling eachother, I giggled before Answering Li's Question

"Well I think so, Let's just see if She doesn't fool me" I said Making them Nod,

"Shit Louis, we gotta go we heard some footsteps... See you later.." Niall said while they immediately Turned it off, I then turned mine off before giving it to Dad, and talk to mum in another room with my sisters,

"Why do I need to take a flight again? I could just drive there"

"Its dangerous Louis, you do know that, But you have a point... Were leaving on the 12th, Pack your bags.. were going home" Mum smiled at me . but then I just remembered Dad....

"What about Dad?" I asked her silently while my sisters agrees,

"It also happens to be Your Father's convention at work, you know what, were leaving tomorrow, So we can stop at your aunties house , then the next day we can continue driving and then were Home" I love my mum so much,

"Alright pack your bags, and just tell dad that were going to a camping trip with mum, I'll handle it" I told them before I left the room to go to Dad's room, and saw him using the computer... being serious about his work

"Uh hey dad, listen We have this school camping trip tomorrow and Were bringing mum, Alright with you?" I rapidly said, but hey kinda understand it...

"Yeah, how many days?" "A week" I told him making him nod

"Heres extra money, Goodluck! and be safe, oh and enjoy!" Oh dont worry I'll enjoy every freaking second of it , Even though were not coming back here ever again!

"Uh thanks bye" I went to my mum and  then we packed our bags... and I grab my things too! even the Notebook...

"Goodbye Spain... Hello London" I said to myself before I lay on my bed while looking at the ceiling ,

"I'm Coming Hazza" I smiled before I closed my eyes , while I imagined Harry was with me...

Far away. 》larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now