"Louis' Birthday"

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Its actually Louis' Birthday ...
Harry badly wishes that he could celebrate louis' birthday with him , but since he lost his memory .. he cant. he'll just have to wait until Winter Break is over or on the 26th when Louis promised the lads that they'll have a get together , then Gemma and his mother Anne asked harry to get dressed , Harry didnt know why , because it was christmas eve ... they should just sit on the floor enjoying the warm cozy night and wait for Christmas to come , but without Asking harry got dressed , and all of them went outside , then they got on that Car that Gemma and Harry used to Christmas shop the other day. and during the car ride Harry was just staring blankly outside the window , wondering what would louis do ... what is he doing right now ... Is he even thinking of him? A minute later he notices the Bench from a sidewalk with His and Louis' initials carved on the seat ... He knows where they're going... and he really is happy about that ...,

"Mum where are we going" He asked his Mother while he popped his head between his mum and Gemma , because Gemma was in the front seat ...

"You know" Anne Answered with a sweet smile , Harry doubted it though , because it's impossible for him to be with Louis if Louis' Father is there ... So he just remained silent on his seat while he waits patiently...

"What if he Pulls me away from Lou again" Harry surprisingly asked , making Gemma looked at her mum while frowning,

"I wont let that Happen Baby" His mum surely answered , making Harry confused... because the last time Louis' dad and Harry's mum saw each other ... they want to rip each other's throat out ... why? well Harry's mum doesnt care if Harry and Louis are Gay or not , to be specific ... She doesnt Judge , on the other hand we have Louis' father who wanted Louis to be Straight ... He tried to hook Louis up with girls but it didnt worked out ... He doesnt respect Gay people , Lesbians , transgender and anything similar to that , He just ... He just want everything to be perfect.. no Mixed up .. And he has always judge people ... no matter how Small or Big you are compared to him. Harry is feeling nervous because he might not know what would Louis' Dad would do to keep them away from each other , Gemma turned her head to looked at harry and realizing that Harry was a bit nervous..

"Hey Hazza! everything is gonna be alright I promise you" Gemma said while she put her pinky out and reach it over to Harry . making harry do the same and they made a pinky swear haha Cute! minutes later they already arrived at the tomlinson's drive way

"Here goes nothing" Harry said while he was about to get out of the car ... in Louis' House ... Louis' mum told him that they'll be having visitors over for his birthday , Louis was okay with it but he didnt knew who it was , but his sisters know , Louis heard their doorbell rang and he is really excited to meet them ,

"I'll get it" he screamed while he ran to the door and he happily opened it ... he smiled once he saw Harry on his door step ,

"Mate! hey how you doing! what are you doing here?" Louis happily asked while he hugged harry, harry was smiling widely while he was hugging Louis ...

"Umm boobear would both of you step out of the way , Gemma and Anne wants to come in Sweetheart" Louis' mum said and Louis was still hugging Harry ... So louis just pulled harry and himself out of the way and both of them walked to the couch and fell down on it ... all of the girls including their mums Giggled at Harry and Louis ...

"So Ready to make those yummy cupcakes Bff?" Louis' mum asked Harry's mum and she nodded and they went to the kitchen together

"Gemma!" Little phoebe and daisy ran over to gemma while Fizzy and Lottie are hanging out with their brother. Fizzy then grab Lottie's arm and ran over to Gemma .. leaving the two lads alone ...

"So umm wheres your Dad?" Harry was shy of asking louis that question ...

"Oh he's doing a business trip ... but he'll be here in 1 or two months i guess , Hey since youre here! heres your gift! I wrapped it myself but its awful , I'm sorry" Louis gave his gift to Harry ... Harry smiled and said thanks to Louis , Then Harry thought of his gift for Louis that he didnt bring ...

"Hold on a sec" he told Louis and ran over to Gemma ... who's in the kitchen and the twins are braiding her hair ....

"Sis you gotta help me!!! I'm losing my mind!!! The prese-" Gemma cuts harry off while she gave him the present ...

"Say no more harry , here it is , now go"
Harry then ran over to Louis who's waiting for him to get back ...

"Here! I wrapped it myself too!" Harry told Louis and gave him the gift ...

"Wow its beautiful! its better than mine even" louis said while he explored His gift from Harry ...

"No its not, were good as each other" Harry told him , Louis then remember something from the past when Harry had said that same thing ... he saw a vision of both of them wrapping christmas presents with each other ... when both of their hair wasnt as long as it is now , Harry noticed that Louis kinda zoned out to he just had to do something ....

"Uh hey Lou , Are you okay?" Harry asked and Louis just shook his head to concentrate on Harry , but he really wants to know what happened between them , he wanted to know what happened about his past ...

"Uh yeah , I'm completely fine. But Harry... can you tell me something about my past? , what really happened?" Louis asked Harry , making Harry feel uncomfortable ... but Harry manage to dodge the question though ...

"Dont worry about it Louis , its not that important" He said then Louis was about to ask another question but the Twins interupted him ...

"Yey Present time!!!!" daisy and phoebe screamed as they happily get some presents under the christmas three ... and distributed it to the others. The twins already opened some of their presents which Louis helped them ... then Lottie here has something to say to Harry

"Were on your side Harry,  me and the girls made this for you , Mum also helped but you better open it at your house Big bro" Lottie whispered to Harry's ear and gave Harry a little box ... He smiled and gave Lottie a hug , then he hid it inside his pocket before Louis could see it ...

"Lets open our presents Harold" Louis then walked over to Harry with His gift and sat next to Harry ...

"Ready Stea- Oh My Gosh!" Louis didnt have the time to finish it because he already opened his present ... his smile was surely not fake when he saw these shoes ...

"Harry Mate! Thanks!" He tackled Harry with a hug , making the girls giggled. but that tackle happened before Harry can open his present from Lou.

"Oh sorry mate , go on" Louis said and pulled away from Harry , for him to open his present. Harry recieved a pair of golden colored Boots , he was wanting this since last year ... Once Harry saw those boots he gave Louis a koala hug ... both Jay and Anne couldnt even Hesitate to take a picture of both of them. the two lads pulled away from each other while both wearing sweet smiles instead of fake ones ...

"this is the best birthday ever , thank you harry , to all of you aswell" Louis said and all of them cheered because Louis and Harry are started to build up what they had ... but Louis doesnt have a clue about it though.

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