17. Unknown

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Dino's POV

Sunday morning. We decided to go to the dance studio where we usually do our practice when we have a performance coming. I went downstairs and I saw the hyungs eating breakfast. I sat beside Dokyeom hyung and started eating.

"Everyone is here. After we ate, we will go to the studio." S.coups hyung said.

"It's been a while since we've been there." Joshua hyung said.

"Yeah." We agreed.

The owner of our school owns the studio. He let us borrow it if we need to practice.

"How about noona?" I asked them. Are we going to leave her here alone?

"No. She's going with us." Jeonghan hyung said.

"But she's still sleeping." The8 said.

Jeonghan hyung went to noona's room.

Chae Min's POV

"Chae Min-yah, wake up. You're going with us." Jeonghan woke me up. Argh! I'm still sleepy. I ignored him and I hide myself under my blanket.

"I can't leave you here alone you know. I can't trust you Minnie. I doubt while we are away, you will go somewhere. You need to come with us whether you like it or not." He pulled the blanket.

"I will call Seungkyoon and we'll stay here." I said.

"No. Now, wash your face and change your clothes." He said and went outside.

I went to the bathroom to do what he said and I changed my clothes. Plain white shirt and shorts are fine. I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

I saw them looking at me from head to toe. What's the problem with them? I just ignored them and I was about to sit when,

"Chae Min-yah! Change your clothes now! I mean, don't wear shorts we're all guys here." Jeonghan said.

"Tss." I just hissed and went back to my room. What's with the problem with me wearing shorts?! It's not a short shorts anyway. I just changed my shorts to jeans and wear a converse rubber shoes then I went back to the dining room.

"Much better." Jeonghan commented.

"But shorts suits her more." Seungcheol said and Jeonghan gave him a shut-up-look.

They were heading to the door.

"I didn't eat my breakfast yet." I said. Jeonghan pulled me outside and he said I will just eat my breakfast later.

We rode in our mini-bus.

"Dragging me here without knowing where we are going. Great. Thanks." I said with sarcasm.

"To the studio, we have a practice. Jeonghan wants you to be with us so, he dragged you here." Seungcheol answered.

I didn't eat my breakfast yet. I'm hungry >3<

We stopped. Huh?

I saw Jihoon went outside the mini-bus and went to a fast food restaurant. After a few minutes, I saw him holding a burger, french fries and a drink then he went back in the mini-bus. He walked towards me and gave me the foods he was holding.

"For you." Jihoon said. I felt shy. He was the one who bought me foods instead of Jeonghan.

"Uh, thanks Jih-- Woozi." I said and I bowed to him.

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