34. Problem

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Third Person's POV

After their rehearsal, they went to a restaurant near the building to eat their lunch and Soo Hyang was with them.

"Where do you think Wonwoo hyung go?" Vernon asked S.coups who was sitting beside him.

"To follow Chae Min I think? What's gotten into him and he suddenly became mad at Soo Hyang noona? What do you think Mingyu?" S.coups looked at Mingyu.

Mingyu couldn't digest what happened earlier. His first kiss was stolen by a girl he doesn't love, Chae Min walked out and Wonwoo became angry.

"Why do I care? Maybe Wonwoo hyung is just worried about Chae Min that's why he got mad, and they are dating right?" Mingyu acted like he doesn't care but he does.

To avoid further questions about it, he started eating with Soo Hyang beside him.

"You don't care? Wonwoo is your bestfriend Mingyu, you're the one who's closest to him. Aren't you worried?" Jeonghan asked.

"He can handle it by himself, he's old enough." Mingyu stood up and he went outside the restaurant after he ate.

"Noona, are you sure that Chae Min and Wonwoo are dating?" Hoshi asked her.

"It's what Wonwoo told me and besides he was holding her hand earlier." Soo Hyang answered with a bored look on her face.

"All of this are just a misunderstanding." Woozi caught their attention.

"How do you say so hyung?" The8 asked.

"Wonwoo thought that Chae Min would get jealous to Soo Hyang noona and Mingyu that's why he gets worried about her when she walked out."

"And the dating thing, it was just a joke. Wonwoo didn't intend to make Mingyu jealous because Wonwoo loves him so much, like a brother and noona just misunderstood it all." Woozi added.

"So, what is the real relationship of that girl to Wonwoo?" Soo Hyang raised her eyebrow.

"Wonwoo is just a friend to Chae Min, all of us here are her friends but she treat us like her brother. This guy, Jeonghan is her real brother and Mingyu, I think they are both special to each other." S.coups explained.

"Special? How come? Mingyu still likes me." Soo Hyang was confused.

"I'm sorry to say this but I think Mingyu's feelings for you had faded already and the one he likes, I mean he loves now is my sister." Jeonghan said calmly.

"Nice joke everyone *roll eyes* I need to go now. I still have an appointment to do." Soo Hyang went out of the restaurant.

"She is not the Soo Hyang I know on TV." Hoshi was disappointed.

"She surely has a bad attitude." Jeonghan added.

"Let's go back to the dorm. We still need to put our things back in our room." S.coups stood up.

"Huh? We're really going back to the dorm?" DK asked.

"I'm sorry. My dad came back here so sudden, they didn't inform me about it and Chae Min just told me earlier." Jeonghan answered and they went in the mini-bus.

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