28. 김치 팬케이크

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Chae Min's POV

I did my daily routine and went to school. I was lacked of sleep >3< I can't sleep last night because of what he said.

"Chae Chae! Good Morning!" Seungkyoon greeted me when we arrived in school.

"Hey." S.coups greeted her.

"I'm not talking to you." Seungkyoon said.

"Dream on, I'm talking to her *pointed at me* Don't wait for us later, you should go home without us." S.coups said.

"The idiot was making an excuse. Tss." Seungkyoon hissed.

"A stupid girl is assuming. Tss." S.coups hissed back.

"Stop it, the two of you are fighting early in the morning. Cut it out please." I said and I started walking.

"Chae Chae, there's a post..." Aww. I touched my forehead. Wtf?! I just bumped to a post?!

"Are you alright? I warned you." Seungkyoon said.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I need some more sleep = 3 =

I opened the door and went inside the room. I laid my head on the desk and I was about to sleep when,

"Baby Min! I'm here! You don't need to cry." Jinhong said loudly.

What is his problem?

I looked at him. No, I glared at him.

"Oh, sorry. I thought you missed me." He said and just sat back on his seat. Some of my classmates laughed.

I saw DK, The8 and Mingyu went inside the room. I avoided Mingyu's gaze and I just looked outside the window.

"Seungkyoon!" I called her.

"Yes?" - Seungkyoon

"Can we exchange seat for a while?" I asked.

She looked at me first and then at Mingyu before answering,

"NO!" I don't know if she's really my bestfriend or not.

"Chae Min-ah, are the two of you still not good?" The8 asked me.

"Huh?" I'm not in the mood to answer that.

"I mean, you and Mingyu." He said to make it clear.

"No." Mingyu answered him.

If it's a no, then no.

"Mingyu, I'm talking to Chae Min." - The8

"She didn't answer so silence means no." - Mingyu

I thought silence means yes? Or not?

Omo. What happened to your forehead?” DK noticed it.

“I bumped to a post.” I answered lazily as I touched my forehead. I noticed that Mingyu was looking at me so I burried my head on my desk.

The class started. I was listening but my brain won't digest what the teacher was saying in front.

"2 weeks from now, our school will going to attend the MBC Battle of the Best. I'm glad that we are able to join there because of Seventeen." They clapped their hands.

"Mr. Lee, Mr. Xu, our two Mr. Kim here and Ms. Yoon. Good luck and I wish you will bring home the bacon. That's all, you may have your break." And she went out of the room.

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