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Baekhyun POV

*Tik Tok .. Tik tok *
I was looking at the clock in our room while the teacher was discussing some leason.

" come on .." I said to my self

I miss him!
I can't wait ! I want to see hi-

" Mr.Byun !?" The teacher called me

" y-yes mam?" I stood up and answered her ..

The heck ! She might notice that I'm not listening to her discussion

" are you with us !?" Mam asked me with a hint of annoyance in her voice

" yes mam" I answered him nervously

"If you say so answer my question" mam

O My Gee !! Ottokhe !! I don't really listen to her discussion ! Waaaaaa~

"W-what i-i mean ok mam" oh God ! How I wish I can answer her question since I do advance reading and I don't want to get low grades

" what is Anterograde Amnesia ?"  Mam asked me

Anterograde ? Wait! I've read it last night!

" Anterograde amnesia is a loss of the ability to create new memories after the event that caused the amnesia, leading to a partial or complete inability to recall the recent past, while long-term memories from before the event remain intact. This is in contrast to retrograde amnesia, where memories created prior to the event are lost while new memories can still be created. Both can occur together in the same patient. To a large degree, anterograde amnesia remains a mysterious ailment because the precise mechanism of storing memories is not yet well understood, although it is known that the regions involved are certain sites in the temporal complex, especially in the hippocampus and nearby subortical region." I answered her question with full of confidence

" very good Mr.Byun as I expected. You never failed us" She smiled to me

Oh thank goodness !

" thank you mam" I bowed to him


" Class dismiss" she said then walked out in room

" Good Job Hyunnie" Chris said
She's one of my best friend
" thanks Chris, I thought I already doomed" I answer her while rolling my eyes
" if you were not daydreaming him then Mam will not notice you" Jane said Coldly, she's also my best friend

This two girls are my best friend since child hood ..
They know everything about me and they accepted me whole heartedly

" Jane, you know hyunnie ! There's no time he wouldn't stop daydreaming him" Chris said as she emphasize the word HIM

" yaaa! You know that i-" Jane stopped me
" you love him but you can't introduce your self to him because you feel like anytime when you're near to him you will faint that's why you were contented to see him far and stalking him" Jane said to me

" Hyunnie if you will not let him know you, you will never be near to him" Chris add

" I know I know ! Just forget about it. Let's go to cafeteria "me

We were walking in corridor when I see him in the field together with his friends

" HYUNNIE !! PPALLI!! " Chris shouted

" A-Ah NE~" I shouted back
I took a last glance to him then proceed to my bff's

" Ya! You just see him then you almost forget us " Chris said while pouting

" M-Mianhe ! I just struck" as I lowered my head

"As always" Jane said while rolling her eyes

We are now in cafeteria and Chris went to counter as she insist to get our food while me and Jane find a table for us. As we already found a empty table, we went there and sit

" so Hyunnie, almost 4 years yet you still shy for him to know you" Jane said while reading her favorite book

" I have no guts to confessed nor be friend with him" I said to her sadly

" because you're afraid of what impression will he give to you " Jane said while she closed her book and look at me into my eyes

" yeah" I answer
" what ever" Jane said while she continue reading her book

Chris came together with our foods
We also done eating our lunch and we head back to our classroom

When we already in our classroom, I went to my seat which is near the back door and window

The teacher was already inside the classroom and start his discussion

- - -

We were on our way home
together with Chris and Jane. We were living in the same village were just 2 or 3 blocks away

" so Jane how's your relationship with your brother ?" I asked her

Jane and her brother was not in good terms because of some issue that Jane don't want to discuss

"As usual and it will never changed" Jane said coldly

We never meet her brother ever since we met because her brother was on states well I don't know now if his still in state because Jane never talk about his brother

" You really hate your Kuya that much huh?" Chris said mockingly

Jane is half Filipino 1/4 German and 1/4 korean and Kuya is what they call in Older Guys or Older Brother, its Filipino ways to show their respect in Older Guys or Brothers

" tss! You know never and I'll never call him KUYA! Because in the first place I never treat him as my brother" Jane said with a hint of annoyance in her voice so we decided to change the topic before she lost her patience

- -

" IM HOME!" I shouted while I'm take off my shoes

"Hyunnie !! How's your school?" eomma asked
"As usual Eomma, same routine" I said while I went to sofa and lay down
"Did you already confessed?" Eomma asked again
"EOMMA!!" I shouted in shyness way
"HAHAH! Okay okay! Now I know the answer. Oh My Hyunnie is still shy to confess" Eomma teased me, I just pout
And I feel may face heat up.

I went up to my room and change my clothes and I open my Facebook account.

When i already sign in there was a pop sound and when I look on, it was a chat message

Chris: Hyunnie~
Me: Wae?
Chris: are you stalking him again?
Me: is there anything changed?
Chris: Hyunnie I really really feel pity on you . if you don't confessed it will be painful, plus the fact that he didn't know you
Me: I'll think about that
Chris: Haays~ our Hyunnie :( BTW moms calling me .. Anyeong Hyunnie
Me: anyeong~
Chris is now off line

- -
After our chat moments Eomma called me to eat dinner after that I do my night routine and went to sleep

Author's note:
Hi/Hello sorry for the lame chapter.. BTW I want to be honest ..
This story was not originated by me, it was from my friend, I asked her to lend me some stories of her and she gave me some of her stories and i choose this, she also gave me the plot .. So yeah I won't stop saying THANK YOU's to my friend ^^ and this story was not originally MINE..  You should also read her story "PARK CHANYEOL's BITCH" also ChanBaek FF by Firelight_exol .. It was one of my favorite ChanBaek FF. So yeah this AN is getting Long ..

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- Saima

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