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Baekhyun POV

Me and Chris were in the library doing our research paper while Jane went home because of her Mom.

While were doing our research paper , I felt that there's someone occupy the nearest table on us, when I look on it

It was him

"Hyunnie I know you're struck again because he's near on us but we need to finish this first" Chris said while she wave the paper on my face to distract

" A-ah yeah! Mianhe" I just said to her while I bowed my head

" Gwaenchana! Let's just continue this" Chris said

We continue doing our research paper but I'm still bother that he's near to me so I took glance on him again and I saw him looking at me and smile

Oh my gee!! Did he smile on me !? For real!?

And because of that I feel my faced heat up ..

" Hyunnie, you look like a tomato " Chris teased
" A-Aniyo" I said while I put my hand on my cheeks

Calm down Byun Baekhyun!

" HAHAHA! If you say so" Chris teased

We continue on what were doing until we finish it

" THANK GOD ! " Chris shout while raising her hand like she win in somewhat contest!

"shhhhh!" Other student

"Mianhe! Mianhe" Chris apologize

"So now were done let's pass this?" I ask her
"Sure then after this let's go to near Foss Coffee shop'' she said

" kurae~" I said

We went out on the library  and go to faculty to pass our research paper

After that we went to the near Foss Coffee Shop

"I'll order and you go find our sit, what flavor do you want ?" Chris ask

" I want Frappé " I answered her
" ok" Chris said then she went to counter

I look for our table then I saw near the window

I went there and sit, and I remember again

His smile

It was the best day !
Seeing your special someone smile at you, although he didn't know you!

"Day dreaming again" Chris
I just smile on her

" you know Hyunnie asking him to be friend with him is not bad ." Chris open up but I just give her a smile

I'm afraid of what he will give an impression to me
Im afraid that he might not like me as friend
I'm afraid

" if you won't try you will not know the answer" She said like she read my mind

"Im not a mind reader, its all written on your face " she said

i just smile on her

i cant forget the day that i first saw him


i was walking in the hallway lookin' for my two bff's,when i drop my gaze in football field

i saw some students playing football,maybe they are our school's player since they're good at playing

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