Chapter 1

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"Deadnite come in here now" shouted my master. Knowing what would happen if I am late I quickly run into the room. I get on one knee and say "yes master" I hate calling him master, in fact I would rather choke myself than call him master but I do not want to get punished. "you have a mission to do" says deathstr-I mean master"where master" I ask stopping myself from spitting in his face. He paused for a second then replied with "at the museum and you will steal the ancient ruby neaklace that belonged to king Tut's wife" I started to get nervous "o..ok but what about Batman" Deathstr-I mean master gave me a look and said "deal with him yourself I trained you. why do you have a problem because you know how we deal with problems and I don't need to remind you do I??" I realized what he meant and quickly replied " Master it's fine you are correct you trained me well but you are still better" he looked at me emotionless as always and said " don't fail me you know I don't like failures" I got up and nodded my head and walked out. When I was out of sight I started mentally scolding myself. I'm 12 now and I still can't stop stuttering when I talk to master. I reach my room and get on my costume (costume at the top) and then I pull out my wings and flew to the museum where hopefully I wouldn't have to fight Batman. It took 15 minutes to get to the museum. before I actually got to the museum I quickly pulled into an alley way and flew down. I then went on top of the roofs until I came to the museum. I notice there were a couple guards there but they would be easy to avoid. I quietly jumped down onto the rafters and made my way to the Tut exhibit. I jumped down and grabbed the necklace and thought this is easy. I as about to escape when..................................................THE BATMAN APPEARED!!!!!!!!!! I flipped over him and all he did was turn around and throw a bat-a-rang at the rafters. I thought that escaping him was going to be hard but he just stood there. I turned around very confused and happy because batman wasn't chasing me down but then I heard a cackle coming from somewhere but I couldn't tell. It echoed throughout the whole room. Then wham suddenly I am thrown across the room and the necklace isn't in my hand anymore. I got up and started running away from the sneaky unknown force. I went into my civies and asked people around about batman and if he had a sidekick apparently he does and his name is Robin. After a day of learning about Robin I got back in my costume and rode back to master knowing I was going to get punished.

Deathstroke's pov:

Deadnite came back to the lair empty handed and as she tried to explain to me what happened I just grabbed her by the hair and pulled her into the punishment room. I strapped her on the table and took her shirt off her and then she started to beg me not to punish her. " please give me another chance I didn't know batman had a sidekick" she cried out to me. I just looked at her and said "now Deadnite you know how I feel about failures and you failed me, now you must face the consequences" I grabbed a knife and started walking towards her. When she looked up at me I saw fear in her eyes and I just smirked. I slowly started making cut all along her chest and wings while she screamed out in pain. I looked at her and laughed. After a while of just cutting her I I strapped her and turned her around and strapped her back in. She realized what I was going to do and before she could say anything I took my whip and brought it down where her wings meet her back and she screamed and cried. I did this a couple more time before she eventually passed out from pain. I cleaned the knife and wrapped up her wounds then took her to her room and laid her down and went to bed myself.

Batman/Bruce's pov:

I was at the bat-cave trying to find out who that girl was when Dick came in and said "you know it's not healthy to stay cooped up in the bat-cave all night trying to find the girl". I chuckled and then got serious and said "Dick I have to find her, she looked to be only your age maybe even younger and yet she was stealing. She was very alert and listened for different things like she was trained to do so. She was so determined to get that neaklace. She acted like her life depended on getting that neaklace and she has wings" Dick looked deep in thought at my words then replied "your right Bruce there is something not right with this girl, it almost seemed she was afraid of something even before you and I showed up" I looked at the clock then realized it was 2 am I looked at Dick and said"it's been a long weekend go upstairs and go to bed you have school tomorrow" Dick then looked at me and sighed before saying "fine but remember you need sleep too, goodnight Bruce" I didn't look up from the computer and replied with "goodnight Dick". I heard the elevator open and go up and I looked at the computer one more time before going to bed thinking about the girl.

Robin/Dick's pov:

As I went up the elevator I was thinking about the girl. She didn't look any older than me and I'm 13. I couldn't help but feel angry at whoever made that girl that way. Let's not to mention her wings. They were amazing, they were both white and reached the floor and they were covered in armor but I think the armor is part of her wings. I can't stop thinking about the girl and why she might be a criminal but there were too many possible explanations as to why or how so I dropped it for now and went to sleep thinking about the girl.

Hey y'all how do you like my story, I decided to write this because well what can I say I am a writer I had an idea and I had to write it anyway this does not mean that I am not continuing my other book Ezra's dad but I am out of ideas for now but I shall get over my writers block. anywho I forgot to mention I do not own anything except for the plot and my character I hoped you liked it bye y'all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️📖

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