New Formed Love / Happy again

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~ The next day~

Donna turned over and felt Stefan arm was still wrapped around her. She smiled and cuddles closer to him. Stefan shifted and wrapped his other arm around her" it's not nice to wake a sleeping vampire you know" donna giggled and turned so she was facing him “why is that?" Stefan smirked "because unless the person the vampire is laying next to is ready for the second round of sex or wants to have sex you don't wake them up"

Donna blushed. Stefan chuckled" so you can blush and I just thought your cheeks were naturally rosy red" donna laughed " you are being super cheesy right now you know that" Stefan nodded" yeah I know" donna smiled" I heard what you said last night about loving me" Stefan leaned up on his shoulder "and?" Donna pulled him back down by his shirt and kissed him. Stefan placed a hand on her cheek while kissing her back.

Donna pulled away" does that answer your question?" Stefan laughed and pulled her close “yes it does and I promise I will never hurt you okay" donna nodded and laid her head on his chest. Damon came and smiled “good morning sunshine" donna smiled” again it called knocking for a reason Damon" Damon laughed “still where is the fun in that?"

Stefan smirked " alright out so my baby girl can get dressed" Damon eyes widen while smiling “did you just" Stefan pointed to the door "out before I actually stake you " Damon left. Stefan looked at donna” and I will have a cup of o positive waiting for you when you get done stairs" donna kissed his cheek" thank you" Stefan smiled and left.

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