Chapter 7: Guilty Pleasure

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At about half 12 at night, the fire had started to die and Dave and Lauren had gone to fetch more wood to keep it going. I would like to be the first to say that I can see them making out by the end of tonight, knowing Lauren.

James had cooked hotdogs on the fire which were surprisingly tasty and were consumed within minutes.

Saffron and James were in their own little world and Phil was talking TV shows with Mona.

"I can't believe they killed of his character though, he was so attractive!" Said Mona.

"I know! I miss his abs!" Responded Phil.

Mona was laughing and I'm not surprised, Phil has that effect on people.

Steven had gotten a little drunk and to honest I didn't feel so good myself, but I certainly wasn't as bad as Steven.

He was dancing around the fire chanting things like "COME MY FIRE GODS AND BLESS US WITH YOUR BEAUTIFUL FLAMES" but I think I was the only one who noticed. So I responded, imitating his voice.

"NO! YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF MY FLAMES!" I laughed. He just stared at me.

"Well you don't have to be rude about it! Oh, now you can come and help me call to the gods. Come on" Steven said, pulling my off my log and I only now realise my but was going numb from sitting down too long. Maybe that's why Steven was dancing around.

"Aww. My but's numb!" I said, trying to twist myself around to check if it's still there.

"Aww, let me see!" Said Steven bending down behind me to get a better look.

"Hmm... Yes... I see..." he began, sounding like a doctor doing a test. "It is in fact an arse, and a beautiful one at that!" Within a second he slapped it and said "It seems to be working fine". I laugh and he turns around to face me. I start to lose my balance from all the drinks but before I have a chance to fall, Steven grabs my waist to support me and holds me against him.

There is a second where I don't know if it's the alcohol talking or what, but I feel this warmth in his touch that makes my heart slow down.

Steven continues to look at me, and as if for this one second the beer hasn't affected him at all he says "Don't fall".

But once that seconds up, he's back to his drunk self and is stepping away from me. He grabs my arm and continues to dance around the fire, pulling me with him. I join in as we dance under the moon light together, looking more ridiculous by the minute. My only thought was 'Fuck it!'

I can hear the laughing coming from Saffron and James and I can see Mona sitting with Dave and Lauren who I didn't even notice come back. Then I notice Phil is nowhere in sight.

'Sober me' would be concerned but I'm totally consumed by the atmosphere and Steven is spinning me around as we start running in circles around the campfire, going in and out of each log and chair there is.

I feel like a kid. It's the way I always feel when I'm with Steven really.

My head feels very blurry as we continue to dance and spin and dance and spin and...

Suddenly, with my eyes shut I can feel Steven's body pressed against mine and I make an extraordinary effort to open my eyes, only to see his face, inches from mine. I divert my eyes for a second to look at my surroundings and notice that he has danced me all the way into the woods, far enough away that I can still hear the others, but not see them.

My eyes dart back to him and his breath smells like beer, as I'm sure mine does too.

The warmth radiating from his large figure is enough to make want to take my clothes off, knowing that even in the cold air, I'll be warm.

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