Imagine|| Calum

128 14 1


Word count: 1700+

Mature content: None

Summary: The one where two people with a similar life meet for the first time, in the most unusual way.



Y/N's P.O.V:

"What do you think you're doing with your life Y/N?!" my mom followed me as I was heading towards the front door, fuming with anger.

"Do you think your life is a damn joke?! Your father and I didn't raise you like this!"

"Like what?! What's so fucking wrong with me that you can't handle?!"

"This Y/N! You've never sworn before, your grades were fine! You used to be an excellent student and now you're sneaking out of the window to go to parties and do God knows what!" she shouted at me.

"Maybe it's your fault that I'm like this now. Let me live!" I pushed right past her and stormed out, I left her screaming behind me but I couldn't care any less.

I started running and running... Until I arrived at my little hideout in the woods where I always come when I feel like this or even worse.

My life is a complete mess. It always was, but now it's gotten even worse. My parents are being awful. I was raised as an only child in the family and all they ever did was forcing me to take extra classes, made me study the whole time, going out or parties was something forbidden, so basically it's their fault that I didn't have any friends.

I had no childhood.

But recently everything has changed. I realized that everything is just a damn bullshit so that my parents can brag about it later, like they have the daughter everyone wishes they had. But innocent little me is in the past and the new, older me learned how to rebel against her parents. Of course I try to keep the good grades, but it's tiring me and I can't handle it anymore.

I approached the little waterfall place that was hidden between the big, tall trees. It looks like a little lagoon. The waterfall was straight ahead and it created a beautiful lake, and then there's my big favorite rock. It was right next to the lake and positioned a bit higher so that there was a few centimeters gap between the water surface and the rock.

Yep, mother nature.

I sat down near the edge of the rock and tucked my legs under me. I let the breeze caress my face and closed my eyes in relaxation, taking it all in.

Not even 5 minutes later, a loud splashing noise and a heavy breathing startled me and I instantly opened my eyes, only to see a naked male figure in the lake.

"Oh my God!" I screamed and covered my widened eyes, but couldn't help but peek through my fingers. Thank God he was turned with his back to me and reacted almost instantly at the inhuman sound I just made.

He looked at me confusedly and his hands quickly flew to cover his private area. We were only about 10 meters apart but I could still see him through my fingers, his face as red as a tomato, mine was probably the same, none of us dared to say anything.

"Uhm" his voice slightly echoed. "I-I'm really sorry I-... Uh" he started, his voice was so deep and soft at the same time it made my heart melt. He was such a handsome boy, with a black hair... and looked like an Asian. "I didn't know that there was somebody here, I thought I was all alone" he let out a nervous chuckle.

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