Imagine|| Calum- Part 1

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Word count: 1600+

Mature content: None

Summary: They say if you make a mistake for the first time, then it indeed is a mistake, but if you do it the second time, it's a choice. One mistake can bring big changes in Calum's and Y/n's marriage and not necessarily a good one. Will Y/n repeat her part of the mistake and forgive him or will she leave once and for all?


Y/N's P.O.V:

I was lightly tapping my fingers on the table in the little coffee shop. This suspense is killing me. In just a matter of minutes my doubts will become clear as crystal. 

My eyes darted outside the window and replayed my whole life in my mind. I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the woman who was standing next to me. 

"Mrs. Hood?" Her voice startled me and I immediately turned to look at her. 

"Miss Alex" I greeted her "Sorry for not noticing you, I zoned out. Have a seat please." She nodded her head in agreement and took a seat in front of me. "You contacted me because you have news, am I correct?" I questioned. 

"Yes Mrs. Hood," she sighed "I'm afraid that..." she paused. 

I licked my lips as my heart rate picked up and eyebrows were furrowed. "Yes?" I asked with a shaky voice. 

"Your doubts have been confirmed." I felt a pang of sadness and anger hit me in the chest. "Your husband has had an affair with a famous model for the past 8 months." 

It was true. I knew it. 

My whole body shook and cold sweat drenched my forehead as she took a big envelope out of her bag and put it on the table in front of me. 

"W-what's this?" I asked with a weak voice. 

"A proof." My shaky hands grabbed the envelope and opened it, as tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. I took the photos and examined each one carefully. 

There was no doubt. This is definitely Calum. 

There are so many photos of him and that chick hugging and kissing. 

"They were mostly seen at the Plaza Hotel, then in other towns and on some occasions when they were camping. I'm really sorry Mrs. Hood." Sympathy was evident in her voice and I couldn't take it anymore. 

I put the photos back in the envelope and quickly stood up. "I have to go" I almost tripped over my own legs "Thank you for cooperating Miss Alex. You will be paid off by tomorrow. Have a good day." 

I left without letting the woman say a word and got in my car. The tears started to fall from my eyes and I sobbed as I was completely lost. 

Where am I going to go now? My fucking husband of 5 years has been cheating on me this whole time. 

This is all my fault. I should have left him all those years ago when I caught him with another girl. But I was stupid enough to believe his lies, to believe that he would change. 

I got fooled again. He didn't change. That's why he's been so distant, that's why he didn't touch me and didn't make love to me like used to, that's why he was absent the whole time! 

I can't go home like this. Not now. And I know just the place where I should go.


"Y/N! Finally you decided to visit your best friend!" Michael embraced me and locked his hands tightly around me. Instead of being happy to see him, I started sobbing and crying in his chest. "Y/N? Why are you crying?" he panicked. 

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