Chapter 13 (Jax)

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Sorry for the lowsey last chapter, I hope thos will make up for it! LOVE Y'ALL!! #Panda_ON!!! :P :D :3


~Reid POV~

"I wonder what that was all about?" I said to myself as I scratched my head and picked up my backpack off the sidewalk. I started toward the door when I saw a streack of blonde hair by the girls bathroom, it was Roxie.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I saw her pull away and cover her face with her hoodie. "ROX!" I yelled as I moved her hoodie. On her left eye I saw a bruise. I dropped my books and said, "Who did this!"

"N-n none....go away!" She said picking up my books. "Roxie? Tell me! NOW!" I said. "O-okay," she said, "It was Jax." "Oh no," I said sarcastically laughing and running to his hallway locker. Roxie ran behind me and followed me.

I saw Jax put something into his locker and turned his head to see me. He looked like a deer in headlights as I pushed him up against his locker and began hitting him as hard as I could. He tried hitting back, but it was no use. When you mess with the people I care about, stuff happens.

~Paige POV~

As me and Alexis speed walked away she whispered in my ear, "Did you tell Reid?" "No" I said as we walked to the opposite end of the school yard. "You don't think your pregnant Paige?" She said whispering in my ear. "I don't know but, I have all the signs... morning sickness, I skipped my period," I said blushing.

"Paige?" She said as a tear rolled down her cheek. "I know Alexis, I shouldn't have done it." I said. "What about your dad?" She asked. "I don't know if I am yet and I don't wanna say anything to Reid unless I know," I said crying.

"Do you need a test?" She asked. "Yea" I replied. "I can get you one, I'll sneak through your window tonight and give to you, so me and you both know," she said hugging me. "Thanks Alexis," I said hugging her back.

Me and Alexis headed to class when I saw Reid beating up some guy and I ran to him. "ROXI!" I yelled! "STOP HIM! HE'S HURTING HIM!" She yelled at me. I ran to Reid and pulled his fists away as I felt a terrible pain in my stomach, the guy had kicked me in the stomach.

I fell to the ground and grabbed my stomach in pain. I heard Reid yell at the guy and punch him in the forehead as the guy fell to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the principle rushing to Reid, me and the guy.

~Reid POV~

As Paige fell to the ground, I yelled at Jax, "LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" As I pulled back my fist and knocked him in the forehead causing him to fall to the ground. "REID MATTHEWS!" I heard the principle yell out as she ran to me and helped Paige and Jax up.

To make a long story short me and Jax were sent at a three day suspension and as for Paige no consequences. As I waited for mom to pick me up, Paige sat next to me applying an icepack to my forehead gently. I turned back as the icepack touched the wound on my head. "Shs," said Paige running her fingers through my hair.

I smiled at her and bit my lip. "Reid?" I heard mom say as she ran to me and hugged me. "Thank god you're okay, you are in HUGE trouble!" She said. "I'll be right back, I got to sign you out," she said walking away. "I guess I'll see ya later," I said kissing Paige. "I guess she said hugging me.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Yea, I'm okay," she said hugging me again. "Let's go," I heard mom say. As we walked outside I turned and saw a tear roll down Paige's cheek.

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