Speedy (Part 1)

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Warning: lost puppy (if that counts as a warning (I think it does))

You were playing with your Border Collie who was not more than a little over ten weeks old. He was running around your still quite spacious living room. You had just moved in few days ago you still had some stuff to unpack... A lot of stuff to unpack.

"Fetch!" you yelled as you threw a tennis ball across the room, the young puppy ran straight towards it, his nails clattering against the wooden floor and he almost fell due to the slippery floors and the fast pace he was running at. He caught the ball very quickly and zoomed right over to you. He dropped the ball on your lap and you clapped. "Good job! Who's a good boy?" You asked as your dog tilted his head slightly to the side. "You're a good boy! Yes, you are", you laughed as you petted his chest which he liked very much. He was now on his back, his front legs stretched out so you had better access.

You hadn't given your puppy a name yet, you had hard time coming up with one. You wanted it to be just perfect for him and none of the names you've tried on him really worked for you.

After few more minutes you decided to throw the tennis ball to a basket full of his toys and went to the kitchen to fill up his food and water bowl. You then whistled and your dog came running to the kitchen, going straight to his bowl of food. You sighed as you watched him eat. He was just so adorable.

Suddenly you heard a knock on the door. You raised your brow to your dog as if asking him if he knew who could be out there but it seemed like he was too busy devouring his food. You shook your head and headed towards the door, not even bothering to look through the peephole. You opened the door and felt your heart stop beating for a second.

You took a good look at the man standing in front of you. He had messy silver hair, a stubble that looked oh so hot on him, bright blue eyes and a grey tight shirt that made all of his muscles visible to you and you couldn't help but stare at him. Did you open the gates to heaven and this angel happened to be just there to take you in?

"Hi. Can I help you?" You asked after you were finished observing every inch of his body. He looked absolutely flawless and you cursed yourself for declining your friend's offer to go out today because you had no excuse to dress up and put a little makeup on to make you feel somewhat better about your looks. You were now wearing gym shorts and a tank top with your hair in a ponytail. You could have looked better.

"Yes, I was visiting a friend in the apartment below and I heard your dog barking and running around the apartment", he starts and you were taken aback by his Eastern-European accent.

"Oh no I'm sorry! Were we making too much noise? I just moved in few days ago I have carpets to put on the floor to make the sound more quiet I'll put them on tonight", you apologized. You had no idea those floors were so thin.

"No that's okay. I was just wondering if I could uhm... Pet it?" The man asked while rubbing the back of his neck. You looked at him in disbelief and it was clear he was starting to feel uncomfortable under your intense gaze.

You sent him a small smile and stepped away from the doorway. "Come in", you told him. He sighed in relief and stepped inside.

You whistled and your dog came rushing in. As he saw the man next to you he barked a few times, not in an aggressive way but as a way of greeting him. The man crouched down and let the dog get a sniff of his hand. The puppy quickly started walking towards the man and soon he was sitting in front of the man with his eyes closed, enjoying the attention he was getting. The man let out a quiet chuckle and he looked up at you. "What's the name?" He asked, still petting the pleased dog.

You shrugged and sat down on the floor, joining the two. "He doesn't have one yet. I've tried to come up with one but it's really hard."

"Okay then. What's yours?" He asked, still looking up at you. Your dog seemed to notice that not all of the attention was on him so he started pushing against the man's leg.

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