Seven Minutes in Heaven

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Request: Tony makes the team play Seven Minutes in Heaven and Pietro confesses

A/N: You probably know what's about to happen. Pretty basic plot, I'm sure all of you know how to play Seven Minutes in Heaven. If you don't, you spin the bottle (there are other ways too, like pull a piece of paper from a hat with someone's name etc.) and you go somewhere private with the person it lands on for seven minutes. You can do whatever you want, kiss, have sex, talk, whatever. 

Warnings: some slightly heated making out

"Seven minutes in heaven?" You asked, looking at Tony with your brows furrowed. "Really? That's your plan? To get us to make out or maybe do more, possibly ruin friendships?"

Tony waved his hand dismissively, "It's going to be fun, I promise."

"Seven minutes in heaven?" You asked again, still not fully believing it. "You're like the oldest person here. Except for the super soldier bros over here." You said and pointed at Bucky and Steve who were looking at Tony, silently wishing nobody would agree to his idea. "Even they don't want to do this." You said and stifled a laugh as you saw the looks on their faces.

"I don't know, printsessa," you heard Pietro say as he sneaked up behind you. He leaned forward. "It could be kind of fun," he whispered, making you shiver.

You waited for him to walk in front of you and you cocked a brow. "You want to play?" You asked. "Really? You do realize there's a pretty uneven male-female ratio," you said, looking around. "Maybe that's why you want to do this," you said with a smirk.

Pietro shook his head and leaned just a bit closer again. "No, these men don't really do it for me," he said and ran his knuckles gently over your cheek. "But I wouldn't mind spending a few minutes in heaven with you," he said before zooming away and coming back with an empty bottle that he set on the coffee table. 

You looked up at him and rolled your eyes, slumping back on your seat. Pietro was known to be a bit of a flirt and he usually took out all that charm on you. You knew it was just some playful flirting between friends but it hurt you a little bit every time he did it because you wished it would escalate to something else, something more. Sadly, it never did.

You felt the cushion sink beside you and turned to your side to see Thor sitting down beside you, smiling widely. "Hey Thor," you greeted him. "Do you happen to have any of that Asgardian liquor? I think I'm gonna need some if I'm gonna make it through this game," you muttered, earning a laugh from him.

"Couldn't you just drink one of your mortal drinks?"

"No, I need something strong."

"Alright, now that we have the whole team assembled," Tony started, earning groans from the others. "It's time to play seven minutes in heaven," he said while clasping his hands together. "Who wants to start?"

"I'll do it!" Pietro announced and reached for the bottle, spinning it. You all watched it spin as Pietro yelled out, "Hey, what's that?" Everyone turned to look where he was pointing. Everyone turned back after not noticing anything, seeing a blue trail Pietro had left when he had tried to stop the bottle from spinning without anyone noticing. He got called out immediately and you turned to look at the bottle to realize it was pointed at you.

You raised a brow and turned to look at Pietro who had his arms crossed over his chest, listening to the others scolding him for cheating. He rolled his eyes once the others had stopped and his gaze found yours. You looked down to the bottle and back up at him, sending him a questioning look. He only smirked in response and even sent you a wink.

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